God of War: seemingly at work – Sony is looking for employees who know the series


Sony Santa Monica is looking for new employees, who are supposed to work on following the "God of War", according to clear indications. In addition, it is suggested that the suite be developed for PS5.

God of War: seemingly at work - Sony is looking for employees who know the series

It is unlikely that Sony Santa Monica develops a sequel to the exclusive game "God of War", an extremely popular game on PS4. On several occasions, the director of the game, Cory Barlog, hinted at a possible follow-up. In a hidden Twitter teaser, for example, he was already called "RAGNAROK IS Comeing ❤". The end of the story and especially the great success of the PS4 game speak of a continuation.

With new job offers, the studio again emphasizes that "God of War 2" or whatever, is probably already in the planning phase or even in development. New employees are sought after at different positions, who should be responsible for the history or design of the fight.

God of War 2 for PS5 at work?

The "Knowledge of God of War (2018)" is one of the requirements of most vacancies. In particular, they must have a detailed knowledge of combat systems, mechanisms and adversaries.

On the subject: Raising Kratos: A two-hour documentary entitled "God of War" is available on YouTube.

The job offer for a face shaper characters artist even explicitly states that the appropriate candidate must have experience of next generation video game platforms.

However, given that the next generation platforms will take a little longer, this hiring requirement is currently hard to satisfy. Nevertheless, this probably implies that the sequel to "God of War" will be published for PS5.

The "God of War" published in April 2018 has since met with more than ten million buyers, Sony announced in May this year. This is the most sold exclusive game on PS4 so far.

More news from God of War, God of War 2.

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