Goodbye Germany: The ruthless judge now only judges in Miss – TV elections


He now pronounces only on the elections of Miss

Formerly, as a "ruthless judge", he wanted to rid all of Germany of the crime, now he lives in the middle from a slum of Rio de Janeiro.

A return to Germany? Excluded for the ex-politician. Schill: "Germany is checked for me."

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Photo: MG RTL D / Norddeich TV

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The emigrant Ronald Schill lives on a budget of nearly 2,000 euros in Brazil Photo: MG RTL D / Norddeich TV

He has already done the "Celebrity Big Brother" (SAT1) and has moved to "Adam Sucht Eva" (RTL) in white – Monday night, there was the next update of former Senator Ronald Schill (59). For "Goodbye Germany! The Emigrants" (VOX) have opened the doors of his humble home.

The German pension of 1900 euros, which he still likes to take, has now bought his own house in which he constantly changes Women live together.

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About the Brazilian lifestyle, the Playboy says, "There is always the fascination between real men and beautiful women." And he lets himself be spared a lot. Although his house looks like a barracks, his own facade is well maintained. Or in the words of the ex-judge: "The face has been renovated."

Schill is also distracted by his choice of "Miss Pomerode."

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " schill-200850348-56265726 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Ronald Schill "data-zoom-title =" A return to Germany excludes Ronald Schill

Photo: MG RTL D / Norddeich TV

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A return to Germany excludes Ronald Schill Photo: MG RTL D / Norddeich TV

The Brazilian city with the highest proportion of German residents is looking for the new Miss – and Schill can finally join the jury to make another judgment.

But instead of focusing on the podium, he flirts with the words of Fremdschäm of the jury and half of the tribe of the participants. Success? False! Only a few selfies remain to recall the disillusioned raccoon hunter

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