Government supporters attack priests and journalists | TIME ONLINE


Diriamba (dpa) – Supporters of the government of President Daniel Ortega attacked clergy and journalists in Nicaragua .

On Monday, the perpetrators invaded the basilica of Diriamba and beat their victims, reported channel Cbad 15. Managua suffragist Silvio Báez and a reporter from the station were wounded. "What we have suffered, we bishops, is nothing compared to what the Nicaraguan people have suffered in recent days," Báez said.

Previously, the Nicaraguan Nuncio, Waldemar Sommertag, Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and other bishops traveled to Diriamba to witness the violent clashes between protesters, security forces and pro-government thugs.

During the violent riots, several journalists were also taken away with their cameras and telephones. "There are no words to describe it, they have no respect for our bishops and they steal journalists," said Álvaro Leiva, head of the human rights organization. ANPDH. In Jinotepe City, government supporters also attacked a church and threw office supplies and benches in the street.

"The repression of the government has exceeded all the limits of the imaginable, they are criminals," said Azáhalea Solís of the opposition Alianza Cívica. The regional leader of the human rights organization, Amnesty International, Erika Guevara-Rosas, condemned the attack against priests and journalists.

The conflict between the government and the opposition in the Central American country intensifies. Violent clashes between protesters, security forces and supporters of the armed government killed at least 12 people on Sunday. Among the victims were two police officers. "Holy God, so much death, so much suffering, stop this barbarism," wrote the bishop of Matagalpa, Rolando Alvarez, on Twitter.

Early elections, as required by opposition, reject President Ortega . "We can not change the rules from one day to the next, because a group of putschists think about it," Ortega told his supporters. For now, the dialogue to resolve the conflict should be over.

Recent anti-government protests sparked a planned social reform in April. Meanwhile, protesters call for the resignation of Ortega, at the end of the violence and the freedom of the press. According to human rights activists, more than 300 people have died in clashes between security forces, pro-government paramilitaries and opponents of the government. The government is talking about 47 dead.

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