Grossrazzia vs Clans in NRW – Dramatic measurement against Bar – Region



Großrazzia in Marl: Police launch vast campaign against clan crime – drastic measures against Bar

the 20.10.2018 at 10:07

Grossrazzia against criminal clans in Marl.

Grossrazzia against criminal clans in Marl.

Photo: Recklinghausen police

Marl. The police went on a Friday night with a Raid States- against the crime of clan marl before. The authorities were targeting hookah bars and sports bars.

In addition to the responsible Recklinghausen police, the staff of the Dortmund Customs Head Office, the Bochum Tax Inquiry, the Marl Tax Office, and Marl's Public Order Office took part in the raid.

Marl: many sports bars burst

Five hookah bars and four sports bars were searched. "Hookah bars and other places can provide a level of communication and retreat for people who currently hold the attention of the police," police said.

Even the Minister of the Interior, Herbert Reul (CDU), participated in the raid on marl part. "There should not be any rights-free spaces." Our answer to this question can only be a consistent trapping policy, which is part of our zero tolerance strategy. network police, customs, trade, taxes and tax authorities to be able to exhaust all legal means against criminal clans Criminals must be aware that our laws apply and not those of our own clan, "said Reul.

Raid in Marl: drastic measure against bar

During the raid, among other things, 40 kilograms of untaxed hookah tobacco were obtained. The measure against a bar was particularly severe: because of too many offenses, the store was closed immediately. The other results:

  • 100 complaints of offenses following violations of the Gambling Law, the Tobacco Law, the Tobacco Protection Act, the Youth Protection Act and the Law on the Protection of Young People. ;tax evasion
  • 85 people were verified
  • An advertisement for possession of drugs
  • Eight slot machines have been secured
  • Two Verwarngelder were bred

"The criminal members of the clan are not guided by local boundaries and official responsibilities, so the relevant authorities must also establish networks." With the "Round Table against Clan Crime" we have set up, we can exchange information with even greater authority within the authorities and apply measures even more effectively, "said Recklinghausen police chief Friederike Zurhausen.

At the same time, Secretary of the Interior, Michael Bach, said that the scene was regularly monitored elsewhere: "The cooperation, which has been going on for many years, intensifies with this mission." (Fel)

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