Gütersloh: Child (2) Smothered in Kita – This Method Helps Avoid Suffocation | waz.de


In a nursery in Gütersloh, a two-year-old girl is suffocated. Educators always tried to help.

A two-year-old girl suffocates while eating in a daycare

a two year old is in one kita in Guetersloh smothered. Police said Monday the girl died during a meal break. The police opened investigations.

Although facility staff immediately provided first aid, all attempts to save the girl were unsuccessful. In the daycare has become a Furnished mourning room, A book of condolences is also available. A pastor helps educators, children and parents with the treatment.

Gütersloh police take an accident

the exact cause of death is still not clear. The fact that the police opened investigations is the unexplained deaths the norm, said a spokesperson at the request of our editorial staff. "We are expecting a terrible accident," she continued.

"Our thoughts are with the family, who are now facing this terrible loss," Gütersloh writes in a statement. Employees are shocked and shocked by the accident.

Especially for children can already Small parts become dangerous if swallowedExact numbers do not exist. The children's clinic of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum badumed in 2016 that there was every year a two-digit number of cases of asphyxiation.

But also Adults suffocate more oftenas you can expect. According to the book's author and journalist Thorsten Wiese ("Why pens are more lethal than lightning") Every year, 100 to 300 people diebecause they swallowed parts of the pen and smothered it.

The "Heimlich maneuver" saves from choking

In case of emergency, choking can be avoided with the "Heimlich maneuver".
The wrist was invented by physician Henry Heimlich, who died in 2016 at the age of 96.

So is the "Heimlich maneuver"

Before doing that "Heimlich Maneuver" It is important to call the emergency department. In addition, patients should be struck five times vigorously between the shoulder blades.

Warning: The method can only be used in children over one year old. Infants are at risk of liver damage, warns doctors.

Then you can start with the rescue:

  1. Put behind the person and hug her with both arms
  2. Then make a fist and hold the thumb side against the top of the abdomen
  3. Now, hold the fist with the other hand by pulling it forward and up up to five times

If that does not succeed, the one mentioned above Shock between the shoulder blades and the "Heimlich maneuver" alternately Repeat. (Bekoe / cho)

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