GZSZ: shock for the fans: she leaves the neighborhood again!


This is sad news for fans, because after a short run, they have to say goodbye to another actress.

In the RTL series, "good times, bad times" is just something that happens. First, the birth of Maren's baby caused great emotion. She suddenly had contractions in the subway and was taken to the hospital just in time. Always around the favorite of the series Chris, played by Eric Stehfest (29), fans must be very worried. After he suddenly collapsed, he is diagnosed with the life-threatening Amazon fever. Spectators do not know yet if he can be saved.

Countless actors have already appeared in the evening series. You have surely forgotten one or the other famous actor a long time ago. But convince yourself in the video above!

But GZSZ would not be GZSZ if the next one did not follow after a shock. Since Nicole, played by Michaela Wisbeck (35), can be seen in the series, she has already lived many things and even with great love, she seems to have finally worked. After initial difficulties, Nicole and Nicolas finally found each other, but if finally everything seems to be going well for him, the message of shock follows: Nicole leaves the series!



Shock for the fans: does it die in series?

The actor Eric Stehfest has just returned to GZSZ after a long break. Does he leave the series for good? The survey reveals: This is not good for his role, Chris. Not good at all.

Be careful, spoilers!

For love, she leaves the neighborhood and leaves with his friend Nicolas on a cruise ship and finally finds his luck. Although the fans are certainly sad about the release of Manuela, they can still hope for a happy ending for their series character. And there's still some good news – maybe Nicole will eventually come back to the neighborhood.

The constant drama has characterized the series for years. You can see the greatest dramas of the series history in the video below!

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