Hambacher Forest: Leverkusen († 27 years old) crushed: family accuses NRW Land government of harassing


Kerpen –

Death shocked the world beyond the country's borders: blogger Steffen Meyn, based in Leverkusen, had a fatal accident in the Hambach forest (read here). He had fallen from a suspension bridge at the expulsion of one week, about 20 meters from death.

Now, the young man's family carries heavy allegations against the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) took advantage of the young man's death to rush against the inhabitants of the tree house.

The family finds the guilt unbearable

The blame that the builders of the suspension bridge were causing the death of the 27-year-old was unbearable, the family wrote in an open letter to Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU). to Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU).

Interior Minister Reul commented Wednesday on the charges against him and the state government. He would not respond to personal allegations against him as usual in political affairs. Reached by the early death of the young man, he had sought contact with the family.

He had the greatest sympathy for the deep sorrow and "perhaps helplessness" of the parents. He felt a deep compbadion and was in the thoughts of the family.

Minister of the Interior Reul in the Parliament of Düsseldorf

"In charge of the fall, who built the bridge," Reul told the interior committee of the Düsseldorf Landtag.

The 27-year-old Leverkusen had fallen from a height in September from a suspension bridge and died. He had worked with the family as part of his study of a cinematographic documentary about the inhabitants of the tree house.


The blogger Steffen M. has died in Hambacher Forst.

In the partially emotional letter, the parents describe their visit to the scene of the accident, while the eviction had resumed after a break of several days: the police in his "combat equipment", armored vehicles under evacuation, screaming from the evacuation zones – as in a war zone.

This deeply shocked the parents.

RWE eliminates dead bloggers memorial

The fact that the memorial was removed with the flowers planted by the family the day after the expulsion (read here), loved ones would have felt like "extremely ruthless and irreverent".


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