Hamburg: a dog stuck in the grid for hours


A dog from Lower Saxony was lucky in misfortune: the dwarf Schnauzer stayed in the grille for several hours after a collision with a car on Tuesday morning – and survived.

The 13-year-old miniature Schnauzer was only discovered after work by the owner of the vehicle when she noticed a slight moan, according to police. Firefighters were able to release the animal almost unscathed.

The 59-year-old driver noticed a blow to the car between Bullenhausen and Hamburg. Because she immediately thought of an accident, according to the police, she turned around. However, she could not detect anything in the dark and continued.

At about the same time, a 40-year-old Bullenhausen woman reported to the police her miniature schnauzer, Tero, after an alleged accident with a missing car. She suspected that the animal could get stuck at the front of the vehicle.

On a photo published by the police, you could see the little dog stuck between plastic slats curved in the lower part of the grille. According to the agency, the dwarf Schnauzer was not satisfied with his "situation" and tried to bite the fire department helpers. However, they managed to release the animal.

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