Hamburg / Frankfurt: discussion of Knallhart: a prison for using Pyro?


Berlin / Wiesbaden – Knast or not for Pyro-Zündler in the stadium?

Following the proposal of Hesse's Interior Minister Peter Beuth to punish Bengal's explosion in football stadiums, St. Pauli CEO Andreas Rettig has been criticized.

"It's sensational, I did not like it," Rettig said. The proposal was exaggerated: "It does not help anyone and is not effective".

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Photo: photo alliance / Augenklick / fi

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Pauli boss Andreas Rettig is against the prison sentencePhoto: photo alliance / Augenklick / fi

At the autumn conference in Magdeburg from 28 to 30 November, it was discussed that the use of fireworks in the crowd would be punished with a sentence of up to one year in prison. The Minister of the Interior of Saxony-Anhalt, Holger Stahlknecht (CDU), who chairs the Conference of Ministers of the Interior, supports a proposal from Hesse.

Rettig takes the subject, the German Football Federation (DFB) and the German Football League (DFL) in charge. "I would like badociations to be different from such proposals," said the 55-year-old.


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