Hamburg: Hossa, Pee and by mile: If wild was the Schlagermove


Existing in Hamburg at Schlagermove: disguised as colorful wigs, big sunglbades and flared trousers, tens of thousands of fans cheered on Saturday 46 trucks equipped with integrated music systems that exceeded the Landungsbrücken and Reeperbahn. Hossa, Pipi and Promille

Seventies cult songs like "Fiesta Mexicana" and "Beautiful Maiden" set the tone in the afternoons under a cloudy sky. For the 22nd edition of the "Carnaval du Nord" organizers counted, according to one speaker, until the evening with about 400,000 visitors.

Among the guests are Bata Illic, Bernhard Brink and Eva of the Jacob Sisters. For the Aftermove evening in the early evening on DJ Heiligengeistfeld and other prominent artists should entice visitors.

The Schlagermove is controversial. Schlagerfans, the locals suffer from the noise, the Wildpinklern and the many drunken people who sometimes pbad through the gates. Almost no event divides the inhabitants of the city as much as the Hossa parade.

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