Hantavirus in Hesse in decline


W iesbaden (dpa / lhe) – The hantavirus transmitted by the mouse has almost disappeared this year after a sharp increase in 2017. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs of Hesse, until 12 July 2018 only one person was infected in January. Last year, there were 82 in July and 103 in Hesse at the end of the year. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the frequency of the disease varies from year to year and depends on the local size of the rodent population. In 2009, for example, there were only 4 cases, the following year with 174, the highest number since the beginning of the millennium.

The symptoms are usually similar to those of the flu. In three to four days, you may have a high fever with headache, abdominal and back pain. The pathogen is transmitted through faeces, urine or saliva from rodents such as red-eared mice and burned mice. People tend to participate in the cleaning of barns, sheds or barns when they stir up contaminated dust.

Information from the Robert Koch Institute

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