Hawaii: Tourists on a boat trip hit by a lava bomb


V On the Hawaiian coast, 23 people were injured on a tourist boat by Kilauea volcano lava. The boat was on a "Lava Tour" on the way, as it was even hit by some lava, as firefighters announced on Monday. Thirteen wounded were transported to the hospital and ten were medically treated on their return to the port. A woman suffered life-threatening injuries in the incident

The boat was off the coast to show tourists the spectacular spectacle of nature, with the hot lava flowing from the volcano into the Pacific, creating a cloud of steam. The hole tore the lava in the roof of the tourist boat "/>

This hole tore the lava in the roof of the tourist boat

Source: dpa / Uncredited

According to the fire department, a piece of The volcano broke the roof of the boat. "It was virtually an explosion," said district spokeswoman Janet Snyder, the newspaper Tribune Herald, a party had drilled a hole in the roof of the boat. had been "lava-covered."

Kilauea, Hawaii, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and erupted again on May 3. Since then, hundreds of homes have been destroyed. [19659007] [ad_2]
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