Health: "flu of the summer": what helps against infection – science


The nose runs, the throat is scratching: No good conditions to spend the day on the deckchair or in the park. What helps against the "flu of the summer"?

The influenza epidemic in 2017/2018 was one of the heaviest in years with around 1,600 deaths in Germany. In April, it was declared finished. But even at 30 degrees, it can always happen that the throat scratches and the nose runs.

If a flu-like infection occurs during the summer months, it is called "summer flu," says Arndt Möllers, a specialist in cervical cancer. Medicine of the nose and throat of Münster. "However, this should not be confused with a real flu, the flu." Although the symptoms of a so-called "summer flu" are similar to those of an influenza infection, they are much less pronounced.

In case of influenza infection in summer, cough, bad ear, sore throat and runny nose will develop gradually. as Möllers explains. On the other hand, in the case of a real flu, patients are suddenly very sick with high fever, fatigue and headaches and body aches.

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"The flu of the summer" is transmitted like the flu

However, the pathways of infection are the same for the diseases: both are transmitted by a so-called droplet infection. How long the infection lasts in the summer is different. "Most of the time, you're fit again after a week," says Professor Erika Baum, president of the German Society of General Practice and Family Medicine. According to the doctor, the greatest danger of infecting other people is shortly before the onset of infection and in the early days when symptoms are palpable. In the plane there are good conditions to infect, because there are many people sitting in confined spaces and air conditioners dry up the mucous membranes.

If you want to avoid contagion, Baum recommends a conscious and healthy lifestyle: "avoid pleasure poisons such as smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol, as well as a sleep sufficient and a good adaptation to stress ". In addition, wet feet – especially when it is cooler – and air currents can promote the appearance of an infection.

In case of infection "summer flu": drink and drink water

As in winter Avoid washing your hands and avoid places where a lot of people are lying in a small space: it is better to take the bike instead of taking the bus and the train. Because even exercise in the fresh air strengthens the immune system and thus prevents infections.

Those who have been infected despite all precautions should be spared in the first place. Just as for the prevention of summer flu should be drunk enough even after the onset of infection. It should not be drinks that come directly from the fridge or chilled with ice cubes. "The body must then bring the fluid into the stomach at body temperature," says Frank Herfurth of the board of directors of the Association of Independent Naturopaths. (dpa)

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