Health: More hantavirus infections in 2017


Last year, more people in Rhineland-Palatinate were infected with the hantavirus virus than in 2016.

A total of 49 cases were recorded, reported Thursday the National Office of Investigation (UPL) in Koblenz. In 2016, there were seven. One source of infection is mouse droppings. The virus usually causes flu-like symptoms: high fever, headache, abdominal and back pain. In addition, kidney failure can also follow. The viruses are excreted in the saliva, urine and feces of small infected mammals, especially the red chick. For example, they can enter the human airways with raised dust. Above all, people who work or who often stay in the forest are affected.

Q fever was diagnosed in Rhineland-Palatinate last year by ten people, five fewer than in 2016. Q fever runs as a summer flu, in severe cases, inflammation lungs and liver develops. In most cases, livestock fever is transmitted to humans.

In 2017, three people were infected with hare fever. The so-called tularemia leads to a strong swelling of the lymph nodes, accompanied by fever.

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