Hemorrhagic rectocolitis: the role of nutrition is overestimated


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

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Berlin Under the direction of the German Society of Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS), experts adopted the S3 guideline in updated the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease ulcerative colitis (UC). They paid particular attention to the increased risk of infection of UC patients and to nutritional aspects.

Nationwide, about 150,000 people suffer from chronic inflammatory ulcerative colitis (UC). Ulcerative colitis, which usually starts in adulthood, occurs in the sticks and usually accompanies those who are affected for life. Although the disease is not uncommon, many UC patients take a long time to get the right diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Precious Information

It was all the more important for us to update the directive. Axel Digna. Especially in the hands of family physicians and patients themselves, they can provide valuable information for early diagnosis and optimal treatment of the disease.


Key Finding: The role of nutrition in the context of the disease has been overstated for many years. According to the S3 guideline, there is no scientifically proven diet that reduces the risk of developing an EC illness other than badfeeding. After all, children who have been badfed for at least six months have a reduced risk of having UC after being vaccinated for at least a quarter of children who are not or briefly badfed.

Thus, a dietary restriction does not seem effective, nutrition plays an important role in existing CUs. For example, patients are at high risk of malnutrition due to recurrent disruptions and damage to the intestinal mucosa, and may therefore be weakened.

Children often suffer from malnutrition in 85% of cases. In addition to high protein losses, too little intake of micronutrients such as iron, vitamin D, folic acid or zinc has a negative effect on growth and development. The supply of nutrients should therefore be checked regularly and the missing nutrients should be added as a tablet or infusion, as recommended by the guideline. © hil / sb / aerzteblatt.de

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