"Hepatitis: Find the Missing Millions!" The German Liver Foundation supports the World Day Against Hepatitis


World organizers of World Hepatitis Day are the Global Alliance Against Hepatitis (WHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Since 2011, World Hepatitis Day is being held on the birthday of American researcher Baruch Samuel Blumberg on July 28, 1965, discovering the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B is the most common viral infection in the world. As a treatment for chronic hepatitis B, effective medications can be prescribed. Treatment options have improved tremendously in recent years. In the meantime, almost all patients have viral control. A vaccine recommended by the WHO since 1992 protects against hepatitis B.

Chronic hepatitis C is the second leading cause of cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer in Germany after the year. fatty liver hepatitis, for example following alcohol or obesity and diabetes mellitus. A vaccine against the hepatitis C virus (HCV) does not exist yet. Since 2014, many drugs have been approved in Germany for the treatment of hepatitis C, which intervene directly in the reproductive cycle of the virus (referred to as DAA – Direct-acting Antiviral Agents). Thus, chronic hepatitis C can be cured in many patients. The cure rates of these interferon-free therapies with eight to twelve weeks of treatment are very high, they are generally greater than 90%.

According to WHO, viral hepatitis causes more deaths each year than malaria, HIV, or tuberculosis. Many people with hepatitis do not know their infection, which often remains asymptomatic for a long time. Untreated, viral infections of hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and death. Confining hepatitis as an infectious disease is one of the goals of the United Nations. The German Federal Government also reports that the issue is important to them: "BIS 2030 – Strategy to Stop HIV, Hepatitis B and C and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections". Experts see the biggest challenge in the elimination of viral hepatitis Dark figure: "Only the one who knows that he is sick can be treated.Who is treated, has a very high chance of healing A simple blood test can bring clarity, "says Professor Dr. Michael P. Manns, CEO of the German Liver Foundation, adds," We support the motto of this year's World Hepatitis Day. The diagnosis of hepatitis must become a topic of "public health" of current.In order to discover the unknown infected, the population and also specific target groups on the disease, the prevention options and treatment should be educated.For example, the high prevalence of HBV and HCV among prisoners is a challenge that urgently requires policy measures for the screening and treatment of these populations. "

The Ministry of Health recently confirmed this Urgent care to raise awareness of viral hepatitis. TNS EMNID Market Research Institute: Only 14% of Germans think about their own risk of hepatitis C. As a result, people's motivation to discuss the issue of viral hepatitis with the family doctor and to be tested. A first step toward evaluating one's own "liver health" may be the "liver test" of the German Liver Foundation, with which interested parties can determine whether they present an increased risk of having a "liver" presence. liver disease On the website http://www.deutsche-leberstiftung.de you can download the "liver test" from the "Service" menu. An individual medical consultation is possible in the telephone consultation, in which medical experts answer all questions about liver and liver diseases. The phone call time is open from Monday to Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00 and under 01805 – 45 00 60 (0.14 EUR / min from the German landline, maximum 0.42 EUR / min since the mobile)

German Liver Foundation
The German Liver Foundation treats liver, liver disease and their treatments. Its goal is to improve patient care through research funds and clean science projects. Through intensive public relations, the foundation enhances public awareness of liver disease so that it can be detected and treated sooner. The German Liver Foundation also provides information and advice to those concerned and relatives, as well as to doctors and pharmacists in medical matters. The foundation performs these tasks with great success. Further information: http://www.deutsche-leberstiftung.de

BOOK ITEMS: "The liver book" of the German Liver Foundation informs in a comprehensible and universally understandable way about the liver, liver diseases, their diagnostics and therapies – now in third, updated and extended edition! "The Liver Book" is available in bookstores: ISBN 978-3-89993-899-9, 16.99 Euro. For more information: http://www.deutsche-leberstiftung.de/Leber-Buch.

German Liver Foundation
Bianka Wiebner
Carl-Neuberg-Strbade 1
30625 Hannover
Tel 0511 – 532 6815
Fax 0511 – 532 6820
[email protected]

idw 2018 / 07

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