Herbal Antibiotics – How Do They Work?


There are many plants that are considered antibiotics herbal : they have an anti-inflammatory, badgesic effect and effectively fight bacteria, viruses and fungi. But can they really replace synthetic antibiotics?

"Let's face it: in many diseases, conventional antibiotics are far from effective – and this catastrophic development will continue," says Dr. Eberhard Wormer, physician and author of various non-fiction medical books. . "Green antibiotics are the only alternative we have." Because unlike synthetic antibiotics – usually with only one or two mechanisms of action – herbal antibiotics have a variety of protective mechanisms to defend against bacteria, viruses or fungi. "For millions of years, they have developed complex defense systems that science absolutely can not match," says dr. Wormer. As a result, researchers are now looking more and more in the nature of other drugs against potentially fatal infections.

Last Rescue Against Resistant Germs

In fact, herbal antibiotics are the only remaining response to antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, "says Drs. Wormer. For example, Cryptolepis, a plant that grows mainly in West Africa and is traditionally used to control malaria, also has strong antibiotic activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, short MRSA.

Cryptolepis is used to control malaria, but also has an effect on MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) © yogesh_more / iStock

Not only Cryptolepis, others Vegetable substances also act against resistant germs, which can be dangerous for people weakened in the hospital. For example, hospital rooms in America are cleaned with diluted grapefruit seed extract. Even otherwise, herbal antibiotics are being used more and more when conventional drugs fail. "I know a lot of patients whose synthetic antibiotics have stopped working.The people whose dermatitis has been treated for months without success with chemistry.And only when they opted for herbal remedies do they finally go better. "Vermifuge.

In which diseases can I use a herbal antibiotic?

Medicinal plants can help against respiratory, cutaneous, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections. And that's systemically, that is to say that their active ingredients pbad through the intestine into the bloodstream. Or locally – especially with infected skin wounds, in the intestine and in the urinary tract. Often, they help even better than synthetic antibiotics.

D-Mannose Example: Studies have shown that simple sugars are just as appropriate as the nitrofurantoin antibiotic in women for the prevention of urinary tract infections. But even with acute urinary tract infections, herbal antibiotics are recommended. Dr. Rainer Stange of the Department of Naturopathy at the Berlin Charity has studied the effectiveness of herbal preparations with mustard oil glycosides, which are found in horseradish and nasturtium. "Herbal substances, similar to synthetic antibiotics to the freedom of symptoms.Although 1.3 days later.But with a very good tolerance." In addition, successfully add glycosides of mustard oil . A study from Freiburg University Hospital shows that mustard oil glycosides have an anti-germ effect against 13 bacterial species – again against the "problematic virus" MRSA.

Thyme proved effective in tonsillitis © wmaster890 / iStock

Tonsillitis, mainly caused by streptococci, helps thyme as an antibiotic to herbal . French researchers have been able to show that thyme in a series of laboratory experiments could significantly reduce the number of Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. The effect is almost comparable to that of an antibiotic such as amoxicillin. In another study, researchers found that mouthwashes containing thyme significantly reduced the number of harmful bacteria, thereby reducing inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums. Thyme is available in different dosage forms: oil, juice, drops, cold bath, ointment or tea.

Cistus is another natural healing green. It acts as a drunk tea not only against bacteria, but also against fungi and even viruses. A study by Charité de Berlin has shown that cystic acid tea in influenza A and B infections triggers mucilage and shortens the duration of the disease. Laboratory tests conducted at the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) show that the active substances of the rockrose even paralyze HIV viruses, Ebola and Marburg viruses and prevent their multiplication

Book advice

Stephen Harrod Buhner, Dr. med. Eberhard Wormer: "Green antibiotics", Mankau Verlag, 190 S., D € 16.95

What are the benefits of herbal remedies?

"In dealing with synthetic antibiotics, the whole immune system is reduced. Antibiotics destroy our intestinal flora. After that, it takes weeks for the intestinal flora to regenerate. This way, we can get into a real vicious circle of infection, "says Dr. Vermifuge, which is different with herbal antibiotics.Their phytochemicals not only strengthen the intestinal flora. Antibiotic herbs can actually strengthen our immune system with their active ingredients – while effectively controlling the pathogens.For example, the highly effective Nasturtium also contains a lot of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Potbadium, Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin C. Chromium trace element (which has been proven to provide a feeling of satiety) .Many green antibiotics also act against fungi and viruses.In addition, they have significantly fewer harmful side effects.And-maybe to be even their greatest advantage: at no antibiotic resistance of the plants is known – and these are not attained endues

Nasturtium is effective against bronchitis and urinary infections © BasieB / iStock

Are conventional antibiotics still necessary?

"Synthetic antibiotics should really be used only in case of emergency," says Dr. med. Wormer. Unfortunately, antibiotics are still prescribed too often. A recent extrapolation shows that in the past 15 years, the overall use of antibiotics has increased by 65%. Experts estimate that at least one-third is completely useless. Either in diseases in which antibiotics do not help anyway. Or the antibiotic does not work against the bacteria that cause the disease. An antibiogram, that is to say the exact determination of pathogenic bacteria, however, makes sense only in special cases. "Namely, if the antibiotic treatment does not work after three to four days, then you should take a closer look at which bacterium causes the infection to be able to treat it in a targeted way," says Dr. Stefan Fey , senior doctor at the Department of Naturopathy, Klinik Blankenstein Hattingen.He himself swears in sinusitis or upper respiratory tract infections on pharmacy eucalyptus medications.And for flu-like infections, he takes baths from hot feet to mustard oil About ten minutes at a temperature of 37 degrees

TOP 10 Herbal Antibiotics

Active Substance Effect
Alchornea Belongs to the family of the euphorbia family.You prepare the leaves as a tea.Functions with eye infections.All three to four hours drip one to three drops in the eye. News: In laboratory tests even an efficacy against MRSA could be proven.
Eucalyptus Has broad activity against bacteria – particularly against Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. As an inhalation oil. Caution: Do not use during pregnancy
Honey Highly antibiotic against all forms of resistant bacteria in skin infections and wounds. Apply once or twice a day on the skin and cover with a bandage. Tip: Good organic wild honey contains pollen, which makes it slightly cloudy
Mugwort Works against parasites in the blood. Even against the effectiveness of malaria has been confirmed in the studies. Either one or three cups for tea or sprinkled with little spice on foods
Berberin Affects intestinal infections of all kinds and hampers the attachment of bacteria (eg streptococci). the intestinal mucosa. Preparation tincture: barking the berberine plant in 70 percent alcohol and 30 percent water. Take a teaspoon in the morning and evening. Warning: Berberine is not recommended during pregnancy
Ginger May reduce fever, relieve pain, diarrhea and dizziness. Facilitates cough in bronchitis. Overall, at least 18 active properties are known. More effective than freshly squeezed root juice in the ratio 4: 1 (juice: alcohol). Drink a small glbad every two or three hours. Caution: Do not use with gallstones!
Piperin The immune booster! It has badgesic, antibacterial, lipid-lowering and anti-inflammatory properties. Black pepper should be taken before each application of herbal antibiotic medication. This enhances the effect! Dyeing: mix the freshly ground peppercorns with alcohol. Take 5 to 15 drops daily
Cryptolepis Help for urinary tract infections. But also has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Can be infused as a tea. In acute cases, drink up to six cups a day. Not recommended for concomitant use of psychotropic drugs
Echinacea (Coneflower) Antibiotic herbal immunostimulatory properties. Works best as root tincture. In the ratio 1: 5 (root: alcohol) mix. For strep throat, add 30 drops an hour to the pharynx. For inflammations of the oral mucosa, keep in the mouth for about 30 seconds. Not recommended for weakened immune defense!
Taiga root The perfect regenerating agent after the disease! The Eleuthero content is considered an adaptogen, a substance that enhances defense. Also used in traditional Chinese medicine. Are there any capsules? Recommended daily amount: 1200 milligrams a day.

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