High profitability targets: BASF announces second quarter results – economy


By dpa

Ludwigshafen – The chemical company BASF today presents its commercial results for the second quarter. Currently, the company enjoys higher prices for its products. Elsewhere, there is also much going on at BASF

  The production site of the BASF chemical group in Lufwigshafen. Photo: Andreas Arnold Photo: dpa "title =" The production site of the BASF Chemical Group in Lufwigshafen. Photo: Andreas Arnold Photo: dpa "style =" "src =" https://cdn1.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/media.media.487e4a91-a5bc-4591-8b9b-fd9bd90ff389.original1024.jpg "/>

The production site of the BASF chemical group in Lufwigshafen. Photo: Andreas Arnold</p>
<p>  Ludwigshafen – The chemical company BASF today presents its commercial results for the second quarter. Currently, the company enjoys higher prices for its products. Elsewhere, too, much is happening at BASF </p>
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<p>  The new boss, Martin Brudermüller, is planning a one billion euro investment in China after the recent Beijing reforms. BASF aims to increase operating profit by up to ten percent in 2018 compared to the previous year. Last year, the residents of Ludwigshafen had increased their revenues by nearly a third to reach 8.3 billion euros. Specialty chemicals and oil and gas activities are expected to contribute to continued growth. </p>
<p>  BASF action, which had hit a record high of 97.67 euros in January, thanks to solid business figures and positive reviews from badysts since then lost more than ten percent. Since the end of June at 80.46 euros, the price is gradually recovering. </p>
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