"Holgi and Brösel – revenge" – 50,000 spectators expected for the "Werner race" – Hamburg


Hartenholm (Schleswig-Holstein) – A little less than two months later begins the new race of Werner!

Under the motto "Holgi and Brösel – revenge"! Werner-Zeichner Rötger "Brösel" Feldmann with his motorcycle "Red Porsche Killer" wants to beat the red Porsche 911 of the innkeeper Holger "Holgi" Henze from Kiel this time

The race takes place on September 2nd on the # 39, Hartenholm aerodrome near Bad Segeberg instead. The duel on the circuit marks the end of a four-day festival from August 30 to September 2 with a comprehensive motor sport program and more than 80 concerts.

Learn more about the Werner race 2018

"The presale is going very well," said organizer Holger Hübner Tuesday in Hartenholm. He did not want to name the sales figures. Overall, the organizers are expecting more than 50,000 spectators.

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Photo: Carsten Rehder / dpa

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"After months of screwing" is September 2nd "a hard fight between the two preprogrammed opponents Photo: Carsten Rehder / dpa

The duel" Brösel "against" Holgi "rises for the third time The first race in front of more than 200,000 fans of "Werner" suddenly lost Brösel in 1988 on this airfield because of a switching error against Henze. </ P> <p> The host also decided to A first new edition in 2004 at the Lausitzring

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Photo: Carsten Rehder / dpa

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"Brösel" wants to win the race this time with the red Porsche killer Photo: Carsten Rehder / dpa

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