Horror on "time" due to pro-and-cons to private maritime rescue


The weekly magazine "Die Zeit" is mbadively criticized for its pro and con about rescue at sea.

Professor Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen, journalist, told Deutschlandfunk Kultur that it was only in Germany. is simply an issue of humanity and human dignity to save lives. There is no contra. If this had been the concern of "time" to draw attention to people's fate with this deliberately provocative issue, then that would be fruitless, Altmeppen argues.

Still in the social media, anger against the newspaper and the editor-in-chief of the time, Mariam Lau, who drafted the notice against the private maritime rescue, boils down. The publicist Maragarete Stokowski spoke of a spoiled cold "madness". When the newspaper "Bild" asked this question two days ago, she thought it was bad, but the "Bild" is a "group of vultures rushing". Today, "Die Zeit" is simply doing the same thing.

In the evening, the article is justified: "We regret that some readers have felt hurt in their ethical feeling and that the impression may arise," The Time "or even Mariam Lau would generally refuse a rescue mission ", explained Bernd Ulrich and Sabine Rückert for the editor-in-chief. The contra does not concern the question of rescue, but the question is limited to the "private" rescue of refugees. This debate was a very relevant question.

Heribert Prantl of the editorial board of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" commented that time is not a ship but a weekly: "It did not pbad by refugees who were drowning in the Mediterranean; C & # 39; was punishable, it was helpless help, but she wrote refugees who were drowning in the past. "

The satirical magazine" Titanic "reacts with such evil cynicism, which in turn is retained until his own crossing at the border. Editor-in-chief Tim Wolff had asked: "the filming time" of the employees in the street? Advantages and disadvantages. On Twitter, fellow journalists such as readers and other users take part in the discussion under #Questions.

In its current issue, the weekly magazine has both opinions under the title "Or should we get out? Private aid helps refugees and migrants in the Mediterranean from distress. Is it legitimate? A Pro and Contra "published in the digital editions of the title was changed what additional criticism sparked According to the editors, but had no substantive reasons.

This message was sent on 12.07.2018 in the program Deutschlandfunk.

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