Horst Seehofer (CSU): Wolfgang Schäuble checks the questions of the "Masterplan"


Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) can check whether the Federal Minister of the Interior and CSU leader Horst Seehofer for his "master plan" on asylum policy the inadmissible resources of his Ministry used

Schäuble (…) to examine the question of whether the monetary benefits of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, construction and homeland in an unacceptable way to finance the l & # 39; 39, partisan activity was used, "indicates a letter from the Bundestag to the Greens parliamentary group. -Agency.

The group had asked Schäuble to check to what extent Seehofer had" resorted to the resources of the ministry in his chief activity On the front page of a version of the so-called master plan of June 22, which Seehofer had circulated to the board of directors of the CSU, his name ended with the addition of of "presi tooth of the Christian Social Union ". He had submitted this version "as president of the CSU and not as federal minister of the Interior," said a spokesman for his ministry.

"The Federal Ministry of the Interior can not be a service provider for the CSU election campaign," said Greens Parliamentary Director Britta Haßelmann, the DPA. "Therefore, it is right that this is currently being examined by the President of the Bundestag."

The asylum dispute had previously caused a serious crisis within the Union – and almost divided. The presentation of the "Masterplan" was finally delayed by several weeks. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has expressed reservations about the refusal of refugees at the border. After weeks of confrontation, the coalition finally agreed on a joint solution. A new version was presented on July 4th.

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