Horst Seehofer: How the Minister of the Interior with his master plan ignores the SPD


He really did it. Horst Seehofer officially presented his "Migration Master Plan", which few people had known for weeks, four weeks later than planned. At the top of the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior is the 23-page document under the note "Top Thema" now to find, every citizen can look there. The document contains 63 "measures to order, control and limit immigration."

Seehofer wants to document with the presentation of the so-called master plan on Tuesday, especially one thing: On the head of CSU would regulate the migration policy in and around Germany, only he had the right to say.

He does not know it. Not even the resolutions on which the CDU and the CSU agreed on Thursday, July 5 with the SPD within the coalition committee were included in the document dated "04.07.2018". For example, there is still talk of "transit centers" that you want to build in Bavaria in the border region with Austria.

And as a result, the document is out of date after the good 106 minutes that Seehofer in his ministry imagines. Towards the end of his press conference, the Seehofer will even grant indirectly. "We will definitely agree on this," he says.

But in the history books, which the CSU politician likes to talk about these days, it should be noted: Horst Seehofer wanted this to be the case and not otherwise.

Not even a common plan of the Union

"This is not a blueprint for the coalition, but a blueprint for the Federal Ministry of the Interior," says Seehofer. This is not even a common plan of the brother parties, even though the hard-won consensus between the CDU and the CSU to include the rejections of asylum seekers registered in other states of the United States. EU only at the bilateral level is included.

The leader of the CDU, Angela Merkel, does not need the head of the CSU at the moment.

The Seehofer, which we find in this presentation, has behind him difficult weeks that he can not hide. But the dispute, his announcement of double withdrawal: All this is now "history", says the Minister of the Interior. The many negative attributions of the last days? "Of course, you notice it." In retrospect, would it do something different after the conflict of the European Union overthrew the government in a concrete crisis? "Certainly not," says politician CSU

Seehofer sees as well: "It is only by his firmness that the immigration policy has first moved the EU then the CDU and finally the SPD.And this, hope the head of the CSU, will eventually reward Bavarian voters in the state elections in autumn.

When the German representative of the agency of the The United Nations for Refugees claims that Seehofer's plan focuses "only on aggravating administrative and procedural matters and neglects the most important thing: the human being", the CSU leader would again feel unjustly treated. [19659003] But in reality such interpretations should please him: show harshness – so that his party wants to push back the AfD in Bavaria.

However, it has practically not made any concrete changes until 39. Now, for that, he first needs the promess Many countries in the EU, especially Italy and Austria, for the announced agreements. It needs the cooperation of transit and origin countries, particularly in Africa. And in addition to Bavaria, he needs other states that join the so-called anchor centers.

Not to mention the SPD

Certain measures in his plan may be implemented by the Minister himself with the badistance of his department and subordinate authorities, but a large part of them will only be possible with appropriate legislative changes. the consent of the coalition partner. The federal government spokesperson specifically points it out on Tuesday.

There is a mixed message from the social democrats. On the one hand, there are people like SPD Vice President Ralf Stegner, who rejects Hard Seehofer's project: "The repetition of a libel theater becomes a joke," he says. . His party would have "no need for other performances in the CSU's summer theater" and "would not participate in supporting the campaign for the AfD," says Stegner. The Social Democrats speak of no other blueprint than the coalition agreement: "Seehofer should finally implement this – there will be no renegotiations with the SPD."

The SPD insists on a coalition agreement

The other social democrats are more relaxed. Here we call Seehofers 63 points as small parts. In the framework of the long debate on the rejection at the borders, the coalition agreement said last week that there was hardly any need for new legislation – at the same time. exception of accelerated procedures for Dublin cases and the law on immigration

. but will probably not be possible with the SPD. Thus, it is stated in point 32, in the anchoring centers, that benefits in kind should have "a constant priority over cash benefits". This had already rejected the SPD in coalition negotiations. All that is there to intimidate people, you will not join it, they say party circles.

End of the year, says Seehofer, you will look at the implementation of his plan. Would he still be in power? "The completion of the master plan may not correspond to the completion of my term – I do not know yet what will take more time."

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