"Hostile takeover": Sarrazin found an editorial house for Islam



"The Seizure of Power by the Enemy" Sarrazin found the publisher of the book of Islam

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Thilo Sarrazin and Random House soon find themselves in court

Thilo Sarrazin has made millions of copies with his controversial bestsellers while making himself countless enemies. Because of his book "Germany abolished", he now breaks with his former publisher.

Thilo Sarrazin made millions of copies with his books and at the same time made countless enemies. With his former publisher, the successful author meets in court. In the meantime, it is clear when and where the new book will be published.

D Former Berlin Finance Senator and former Federal Banker Thilo Sarrazin wrote a book on Islam – and disputed with his former publisher. The book titled "The hostile takeover – as Islam slows progress and threatens society" and will now appear on August 30 in the publishing house of financial books (Münchner Verlagsgruppe), as announced Friday.

Sarrazin meanwhile in court. On Monday, the Munich District Court hears the case. What is exactly, has not been communicated. It is possible that both parties are dealing with advance payments

Alter Verlag does not want to publish a book

The former publisher claims to have signed a contract with Sarrazin but does not want to publish the book. However, a spokesman pointed out that "we do not want to" stop "the unannounced book of Thilo Sarrazin or make it difficult or prevent its publication." It has also been said: "The author is free to publish his book at any time in another publisher."

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Now the new publisher turns and pulls the book. This should cover about 450 pages. Sarrazin had read the Koran completely according to his own data in the German translation, he said. "This shows that the developmental backlog and unresolved problems of Islamic countries largely result from the imprint of culture and society by Islam," said the house of 39; edition of financial books

Sarrazin initially inaccessible. The long-time SPD politician had unleashed storms of indignation and debate over criticism of Islam and the legacy of intelligence with his bestseller "L & # 39; Germany abolished "and controversial theses on immigration in 2010. This was followed by other books on the euro and" wishful thinking "in politics.

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