Housing company increases at home nursing | NDR.de – News


Stand: 28.06.2018 12:00 hours

A little over a year ago, Pflegen & Wohnen, the largest private retirement home operator in Hamburg, had been sold to the US financial investor Oaktree . And now, he wants to transfer a smaller part of the company: The housing company Deutsche Wohnen acquires shares and thus enters the care market of Hamburg.

  A nurse takes care of an elderly person in a retirement home. © picture-alliance / dpa Photographer: Oliver Berg

Deutsche Wohnen enters retirement home

NDR 90.3

A housing company enters the nursing market in Hamburg: Deutsche Wohnen acquires shares in Pflegen & Wohnen, the largest private operator nursing homes. [19659009] Nursing and housing before change of ownership

According to observers, this step should mean that Pflegen & Wohnen will change ownership in the medium term. In a first evaluation, the health authority is relaxed about development. After all, the housing group has experience in the nursing sector: it owns 49% of operator Katharinenhof, which took over three establishments in Hamburg in April.

Deutsche Wohnen also criticizes Berlin, in particular – She is accused of driving up rents on apartments

Additional information

Wages increase significantly among the largest operator of private retirement homes in Hamburg: Pflege & Wohnen and the union ver.di have agreed to an increase of 4.2% from 2019,

The new owner of Pflegen & Wohnen is introduced to employees at a staff meeting. The collective agreement of the house should be maintained, explained the US investor Oaktree.

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NDR 90.3 Current |
28.06.2018 | 12:00

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