HPV test detects cancer more reliably than smear


Regular cancer screening in the gynecologist is one of the most important studies for women. Usually, one proceeds to what is called a Pap smear, which can detect cancer precursors in the cervix of the uterus. But now a study published in the journal "Jama" comes to the conclusion that precursors of cervical cancer with a test on the human papillomavirus (HPV) can be better demonstrated

] study involved approximately 19,000 women who had been tested for HPV or Pap smear. In a striking result women had to undergo further examinations or treatments, otherwise there was an all-clear. After 48 months at the latest, the women were re-examined. This time, however, all participants performed both tests

The four-year follow-up showed that far fewer precursors of cervical cancer were diagnosed in the HPV group than those who experienced cervical smear. This was obviously due to the fact that tissue changes could be detected and treated early, especially in the first phase of the study.

HPV test versus cervical smear

While superficial cells are removed from the cervix during badl smears To look for changes, the HPV test should detect human papillomavirus infections because cancer of the cervix Cervix of the uterus can develop from persistent infections.

Up to now, the HPV test in Germany is not part of the gynecological screening In the rule the test is currently performed only to clarify a remarkable Pap smear. But that will change after years of discussion in the future: It is planned to perform a combination of both tests in women over 35 years of age.

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