Hubertus Heil presents a new pension plan – who should benefit? – Politics


Heil introduces a new pension plan – who should benefit?

  Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, wishes to present details on the pension reform scheduled for Friday.

Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, wishes to present details on the pension reform Friday

Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa

Minister Heil wants to present concrete projects of pension reform. But who benefits?

Benefit every four retirees, early retirees
because of illness and low wages in social contributions. Billions of dollars must be borne by contributors and taxpayers. Stabilization of pension levels should also serve as an example. Who is busy with past announcements of the retirement package
by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil. Details wants to present the SPD politician on Friday morning in Berlin. According to experts, however, the reform does not target the risk of poverty among the elderly – overview:

Is there poverty in Germany?

Yes. "If you are poor, you have fewer opportunities than young people to come back," says Bruno Kaltenborn, researcher in economics in Berlin, who studied the field of German pension insurance research network. "But if you see who depends on basic security, poverty in old age now and in the foreseeable future is not the central problem."

In the 65 plus generation, 3.1% of people depend on basic security. For children under 15, it is 15 percent and for employees 8 percent. Kaltenborn: "We must take the risk of poverty in old age
do not dramatize. "

Poverty in old age will increase mbadively in the future?

Before that, unions and social organizations warn. According to Verdi's boss, Frank Bsirske, the poverty of Retirement threatened by poverty threatens to go "far in the middle of society" without having to change the pension.Kaltenborn, however, calculated whether there will be an increase or poverty of old age remains rather constant: "Probably the variant of a constant development than that of a rise."

The share of basic subscribers is expected by 2030 among the elders below or 5% remain "Under the current demographic pressure," says Jochen Pimpertz, expert in social security at the German Institute for Economic Research (IW) Cologne

Why poverty does not age any more?

employment subject to social insurance – and thus also to the rights to pension – among women. "Therefore, in the future, it is expected that more women than in old age will cross the poverty line," says Pimpertz

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What are the objectives of the coalition? pensions, the reimbursement of life benefits and the fight against poverty among the elderly – according to the coalition agreement. At the beginning of the year 2019, the first pension package that Heil wishes to introduce comes into effect: with benefits for people with reduced incomes, maternity pension II, the reduction of social contributions and a stabilization pensions and contribution rates up to 2025.

further decisions for the period after 2025 should follow. Because society is aging. Fewer payers get more beneficiaries. On average, they live longer.

Who benefits from maternity pension II?

According to the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), 24% of retirees today. Mothers should have a third year of education for every child born before 1992. Overall, the net household income of beneficiary beneficiaries would increase by just under four percent, for low-income retirees up to six percent.

Pimpertz notes that only large women close to retirement could benefit, including women with high pensions or wealthy partners. "The systematic prevention of poverty does not exist."

What do the experts think of plans to reduce earning capacity?

Positive. "People with low-income pensions often depend on basic security," says Kaltenborn. Thus, these people, who must take early retirement due to illness, in 2016 to 14.7 percent of basic protection – retirees aged only 2.6 percent. In the future, unlike today, those affected will be treated as if they had worked until the age of the current retirement. Pétertz says, "Understanding Poverty"

What's the point of stabilizing pension levels?

If this ratio of the pension to the average salary can be reduced, then it benefits all retirees, according to their different pension. The level must be secured by 2025 at the current level of 48%. However, according to official forecasts, even without reform, it will remain at 48% until 2024 and will only decline. As Kaltenborn says, "this is not a screw that can be used to combat the poverty of the elderly"

What is planned for low-wage workers – and how could it work

? ] The income ceiling, from which the full social security contributions must be paid, should rise from 850 to 1300 euros. Pimpertz, IW researcher, says: The pension entitlements of those affected are rebadessed with reduced contributions – "but with a puddle of water unchanged only to the detriment of contributors today. with higher earnings ".

Even middle-income workers should fund improvements for low-income people. Pimpertz: "However, low-income workers, who work part-time but already live in a well-off household, would also benefit from it."

Chairman of the Board of Pension Insurance, Alexander Gunkel, has recently received additional funds in the tens of billions to 2025 warned. The contribution rate should not exceed 20% at this time

Heil plans to create a "demography fund"

According to a report, Heil's plans also include the creation of a " demography fund ". This should be built in the federal budget from 2021 to 2024 with two billion euros a year, reported the newspapers of Germany's editorial network (RND), citing the grand coalition's first retirement package project.

The Fund should cover the contribution ceiling "even in the event of unforeseen events". "Since the stability of the pension system benefits society as a whole and is therefore a task at the scale of society, the state badumes an additional responsibility through a increased tax subsidy, "said RND. (dpa)

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