Hundreds of maritime rescue events


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  Life-saving event at sea   Life-saving demonstration at sea

Participants with posters during a demonstration of the "Seebrücke" movement in Berlin. Photo: Joerg Carstensen

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

U lm / Heidelberg (dpa / lsw) – Several hundred people took part in protests in Ulm and Heidelberg for the rescue of refugees in the Mediterranean. The protesters also campaigned for safe evacuation routes on Saturday. They followed a call from the initiative "Pier", an alliance of organizations helping refugees. Demonstrations should also be held in other German cities, such as Berlin, Leipzig, Munich and Frankfurt / Main

According to the organizers, a hundred people gathered in Ulm and, according to police estimates , up to 300 in Heidelberg. were wearing orange lifejackets and lifebuoys. On the posters should read among others: "protect people instead of borders". The European Union and the federal government should decriminalize the use of aid for rescue, said organizer of "pier" Ulmer Marcel Emmerich. "What the EU and the Federal Government are doing is a lack of badistance", he said at the rally

Since the beginning of the year, the flight over the Mediterranean has killed as many people as it has been for years. According to UN data, more than 1,400 people are missing. Several Mediterranean neighbors, including Italy, Spain and Malta, have often refused or partially delayed relief vessels in recent times.

The United Nations agency for refugees in flight across the Mediterranean

19659008] Pier of initiative

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