Hundreds of passengers rescued from a broken train


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E ssen (dpa / lnw) – Hundreds of pbadengers were taken to the shelter of a broken train in the sweltering heat near the main train station. # 39; Essen. According to the Federal Police, the train was a private train shortly after leaving the main station heading for Essen West because of engine damage Thursday at 4:30 pm, a railway spokesman said. "About 300 pbadengers had to be evacuated from the train," according to the Federal Police and Nordwestbahn.

Four adults and one baby were treated for circulatory problems by an ambulance, the federal police said. Additional treatment at the hospital was not necessary. The distance to Mülheim, on which the train was en route, was locked according to the route data around 19:30. The broken train was still standing hours later at this point. Several regional express trains and suburban trains have been affected, it was said by the railway.

According to an online report of pbadengers "WAZ" reported that it was extremely hot in the train and the air conditioning had not worked. The pbadengers were helping each other with water. Two hours after departure in Essen, the train was evacuated according to the newspaper. Rescuers provide pbadengers. A notice from the private rail company about the faulty train in Essen was not to be received on Thursday night, the fact that the pbadengers were out of the train so late was due to the fact that he had first tried to restart the locomotive, a spokesman for Nordwestbahn. When this attempt failed, they decided to evacuate.

Press report

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