HVV extends its offer: denser bars, more space | NDR.de – News


As of: 27.11.2018 at 21:25

The Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (HVV) is expanding its schedule change offer on 9 December. The Hamburg Senate explained the details on Tuesday. The lines are lengthened, the clocks have condensed and the subway short trains have been removed during the day and evening. "The increase in this year's offer is the largest in many years," Dietrich Hartmann, CEO of HVV, told reporters in Hamburg on Tuesday.

Buses at the stop.

New timetable: HVV broadens its offer

Hamburg newspaper

Buses and trains longer, tighter schedules: from 9 December, the HVV is another schedule. In doing so, the Senate responds to the growing demand for public transit.

Changes for many U-Bahn and S-Bahn trains

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From 9 December, a train will run every 3 minutes on the S-Bahn line every 15h to 21h.

Already in July, the Senate announced its offer, it has now called for more details: U1 and U3 spend rush hour between 6 and 9 hours every three minutes and 20 seconds. There are no short trains on the U2 and S11. In addition, three new Metrobus lines will be available from 9 December.

More space in trains between Hauptbahnhof and Harburg-Rathaus

Most pbadengers enjoy it between the main railway station and Harburg-Rathaus: On the busy S-Bahn line, line 3 would be used for suburban traffic. It is mostly composed of long trains of nine wagons and can accommodate up to 1,500 pbadengers. By comparison, short trains have three cars and six complete trains. Between the main station and Harburg, the five-minute clock of the S3 and S31 clock at 21 is extended.

"Make life easier for motorists too"

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Transport Senator Michael Westhagemann: "We continue to expand this attractive offer." (Photo of archives)

Attractive public transport also makes the streets look empty, said Transport Minister Michael Westhagemann (non-party): "Promoting public transport and pedestrian and cyclist traffic makes life a little easier for motorists." The Senate takes a total of 19 million euros for the planned changes.

According to State Councilor Andreas Rieckhof (SPD), the increase of 2.1% of the tariff planned for 1 January will be decided at the next or the next session of the Parliament of Hamburg.

Opposition: "This is still not enough"

Dennis Thering (CDU) criticizes the plans of the Senate: "There is still much to be done, especially in the area of ​​local traffic on the Elbe and Alster." We also require a 24-hour operation during the week." Heike Sudmann (The Left) congratulates the Senate for its efforts, but in their eyes, the offer is still not enough: "On the S3, we now have larger canned sardines, but we have to have a much bigger clock. " In addition, she criticizes the fact that improvements to six bus lines – contrary to what was promised in the summer – will only happen next year.

HVV ticket machine © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Angelika Warmuth

Offer an offensive to the HVV at the time change

NDR 90.3

To change the timetable of December 9, the Hamburg Transport Association (HVV) is launching an offensive. Several subways and S-Bahns should drive more often and offer more space.

More information

As of 1 January, HVV tickets are expected to cost an average of 2.1% more: the Bürgerschaft Transport Committee has agreed that the SPD and the Greens accept, but the opposition has refused. (10.11.2018)

Unusual and little known: the HVV leisure pbadport for young people is not attractive enough for the SPD and the Greens for citizenship. They require an alternative. (8/11/2018)

Mayor of Hamburg Tschentscher presented a package of measures to improve public transport. Short trains will disappear, trains and buses will soon be more frequent. (07.03.2018)

The Hamburger Hochbahn carried 459 million pbadengers last year. This represents an increase of 3.3% over the previous year. (6/25/2018)

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27.11.2018 | 4:00 p.m.

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