Hypertension: Magnesium deficiency may promote hypertension.


Nearly one in three adults in Germany diagnosed hypertension (hypertension). It is thought that many others have high blood pressure without realizing it, because hypertension comes slowly. Magnesium is supposed to play an important role in blood pressure. Is it true?

Scientist of the Nonprofit Society for Biofactors * e. V. indicate that magnesium deficiency may increase blood pressure. The member of the scientific advisory committee of the badociation, Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Schmidt and a specialist in Dresden pharmacology explains that magnesium deficiency promotes risks to the cardiovascular system such as vascular inflammation, cardiac arrhythmias and diabetes. Many studies have shown that a magnesium deficiency leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, says the expert.

Colleagues agree with the specialist. Professor Klaus Kisters, Chief Medical Officer of Internal Medicine at St. Anna Hospital in Herne, explained in a series of lectures by the Society for Biofactors that magnesium is particularly important in diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. So, this complex of symptoms is often badociated with a low level of magnesium in the blood. "Magnesium deficiency causes heart and brain diseases and promotes arteriosclerosis," says Professor Kisters

Biofactors known as include micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins.

Magnesium deficiency plays a secondary role Rolle

For years, scientists have emphasized the importance of magnesium for cardiovascular disease. The German Heart Foundation also explains that a deficiency in this mineral can lead to heart attacks (extrasystoles) and also cardiac arrhythmias. According to the Foundation, extreme deficiency can even trigger life-threatening ventricular fibrillation, contributing to sudden cardiac death. [MAIS:Iln'yapaslieudes'inquiétercarlacarenceenmagnésiumestrareenAllemagnecommelemontrel'étudedeconsommationnationaleMaxII-RubnerInstitutLemanqued'apportennutrimentsàcertainespartiesdelapopulationselimiteprincipalementàl'iodeetàlavitamineD[194559003] High levels of blood pressure are among the leading risk factors for stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. High blood pressure is usually caused by the interaction of hereditary factors, age, gender and various adverse nutritional and living conditions such as lack of exercise.

Magnesium has the effect of lowering blood pressure

This magnesium has a lowering effect on blood pressure and that a lack of mineral hypertension may promote. However, the hypotensive effects of magnesium were quite low.

Therefore, intake of oral magnesium at an average dose of 368 mg per day over an average period of three months decreased participants' systolic blood pressure by 2.00 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 1.78 mmHg. Although it is significant, a hypertensive patient with a blood pressure of 140 to 80 mmHg should reduce its upper value (systolic) from 10.00 mmHg to 130 according to the German recommendations. From 130 to 80, his blood pressure is still considered normal. According to medical guidelines, the ideal value is 120 to 80 mmHg.

Magnesium preparations are not suspected

Drug or pharmacy supplements containing magnesium compounds abound. However, the German Heart Foundation, for example, simply discourages taking minerals into suspicion. This could have a counterproductive effect. "Basically, magnesium supplements should only be used if a blood test gives the reason," he says on the foundation's website.

Although magnesium is a vital mineral involved in the energetic metabolism of muscle and nerve function, but: "An improvement in body functions is only possible" in case of deficiency ". In addition, not all calf cramps are equivalent to magnesium deficiency, says the consumer center. Muscle cramps can therefore have several causes. If this happens again and again with cramps, a doctor may use a blood test to determine if there is really a magnesium deficiency.

How does a magnesium deficiency manifest itself and how can it be corrected?

Many magnesium supplements are overdosed

A study by Leibniz University Hannover has shown that magnesium supplements are often overdosed. According to the authors of the study, about 18 to 60 percent of adults in Germany would regularly take supplements such as magnesium. However, 22% of people who take magnesium supplements recommend an extra intake of up to 250 milligrams a day.

Adverse effects caused by the intake of magnesium supplements of 300 mg or more are intestinal discomfort and diarrhea. A large overdose of 2500 mg could even have very dangerous side effects, such as hypotension or muscle weakness.

The ingestion of dietary supplements is, in most cases, totally superfluous in healthy people who follow a balanced diet and do not practice extreme sports. even risks. Consumer Centers, the German Nutrition Society, the Federal Nutrition Center and scientists from research institutes have repeatedly emphasized it.

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