Identity of the buried dead of Heusenstamm clarified |


Suspect leads police to corpse
The identity of the buried dead of Heusenstamm clarified

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Image © picture-alliance / dpa (archive)

The corpse found in a forest near Heusenstamm is probably a 45 year old man from Bad Nauheim. A man from Wetterau confessed to having buried the body. Suspicious has also made his ex-wife.

Attorney General Giessen reported on Wednesday morning that the identity of the previous day in a forest of Heusenstamm (Offenbach) had been found with a corpse "very likely": it is therefore a missing person since a few weeks ). An autopsy in the afternoon should clarify the identity and cause of death undoubtedly.

According to investigators, it is not clear if the man was killed by a violent crime. To this day, we only know that on Tuesday, a 45-year-old man from Rockenberg (Wetterau) also reported to the Friedberg police that he had buried the body in August. He then led the detectives to the site. The local fire department illuminated the forest area with spotlights.

What role does the suspect play?

Otherwise, the case is still in the dark. The police also arrested a 39-year-old woman from Büdingen. She is both the ex-wife of the suspect and the wife of the deceased. According to the Rockenbergs, this should have helped to remove the corpse.

Issue: hr-iNFO, 07.11.2018, 10 am

Source: dpa / lhe,

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