In addition, 300,000 children receive child support | TIME ONLINE


More and more single parents
claim a state maintenance advance. This is reported by Süddeutsche Zeitung citing
a report from the Federal Ministry of Family on the effects of the reform of the maintenance
one year ago.

Thus, initially, 414 000 children benefited from the subsidy, after the entry into force of the reform, this number rising to nearly 714 000 at the end of March. "For many single parents, it's a real
Support that actually happens in the wallet ", said
Minister of the Family Franziska Giffey (SPD) of the Süddeutsche Zeitung . The fact that 300,000 more children are now benefiting is a big step forward.

According to the report alone should be rare
200,000 children over the age of 12 appear in the statistics. Also with the
The number of children ages six to eleven has increased dramatically to 313,000.
Maintenance costs amount to 1.1 billion euros in 2017. there
is maintenance often not in advance, since only 209 million euros of success
could be recovered.

Every second single mother receives no support

Advance on alimony is paid
if only parent despite the claim of his ex-partner no money for the
To have children. Then there is 273 euros for older children, 205 euros for middle-aged people
and 154 euros for the youngest. Since the reform can
in advance for children of any age for an unlimited duration
be. This seems to be very well received
because a few weeks after the reform, the number of beneficiaries
reached nearly 520,000.

Federal Statistical Office, there are 2.6 million single-parent families in Germany. The German Institute for Economic Research badumes that every second single mother
no maintenance for children. Single parents are at high risk of poverty. Overall, all five
Affected family, mostly women.

The official impact report
Federal Minister of Family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) gave the reform a ministerial vote.

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