Infectious mosquitoes detected – they transmit …


There is a widespread belief in the population that dangerous Lyme disease is spread exclusively by ticks. But that's a misconception, because even mosquitoes can transmit the bacterial infection that can attack the nervous system.

A study by the Senckenberg Institute in Frankfurt shows that not only ticks but also mosquitoes at least 40,000 cases of infection in Germany alone. In Germany, infectious flies have been identified that carry the pathogenic agents of Lyme disease.

People who are irritated only by itchy bites may have already been infected with Lyme disease.

This disease manifests itself initially with flu-like symptoms. In part, it can happen to Wanderröte, which appears in a changed skin at the stitching point. Often, these symptoms are initially not recognized or misinterpreted. Then, the healing channels decrease significantly by antibiotic treatment. Chronic joint disorders (Lyme arthritis) and neurological disorders can then be the result.

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