Ingolstadt: We do not accept an "other way"


  Where is the trip? A tense atmosphere prevailed yesterday at the Audi business meeting. Peter Mosch, chairman of the company committee, calls for a fresh start for senior management.
Where does the trip go? A tense atmosphere prevailed yesterday at the Audi factory meeting. The chairman of the company committee, Peter Mosch, calls for a new start in top management.

Photos: Hauser / Audi


The Ingolstadt-based carmaker tackles many urgent issues: Rupert Stadler, long-time CEO, because of diesel barriers for more than three weeks in pre-trial detention, On leave and acting Bram Schot replaces the lasting problems with the transition to the new Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). As stated, this is a two-week vacation extension on B lines (A4 / A5) and the removal of a change on line A (Q2 / A3) for several weeks. It is therefore not surprising that in these circumstances there was a lot more employees than usual at the Audi business meeting yesterday: close to 10,000 people wanted to hear what the company committee and management had to say. In "normal" company meetings, there are usually no more than 7000.

What interested most the employees of the production: the three layers are preserved, at the end of the day. except for the exceptions mentioned above. Despite the challenge of WLTP, the company and the company were able to agree on a production method for the staff, Ingrid Seehars said in the company committee report. "Our rolling system remains intact, the workforce is not suffering financial losses, and the company is proportionally compensating affected employees for the time they have lost, which is a great success, "says Seehars. This is good news for employees – especially the night shift –

Rupert Stadler's name is mentioned only once in the press release sent by the committee. after the meeting. "After the events of recent weeks, which culminated in the arrest of Audi AG 's CEO, Rupert Stadler, Audi employees see a need for action to keep the company. business on the road to success. " The head of the Audi company committee, Peter Mosch, called for a "restart, which must now be triggered". As the most important steps, he mentioned a personal and lasting change to the head of the company, the consistent conclusion of the Dieselaufklrung as well as the strategic direction of the company on the core elements Audi. "Audi must continue to be and remain the technology of the Volkswagen Group because it is the only way to ensure profitability and employment." Management must focus, "says Mosch

Despite difficult times, the staff representatives are preparing for a fresh start. "Our job guarantee by the end of 2025 is permanent, our cohesion is unwavering and our products are stronger than ever." On this basis, Bram Schot must now open a new future as a director Acting General, "said Mosch. ] Photos: Hauser / Audi


The future of the Audi Ingolstadt factory was also at the heart of the report of the company committee. Ingrid Seehars also spoke of a stable use of Ingolstadt's plant capacity and the need to continue to shave the site with more than 44,000 employees for the future. "We have been able to implement the equipment for e-mobility and now the company management has to go through the following steps and, among other things, realize its own production facility. of Audi batteries in Ingolstadt. It was a building block for a while on behalf of alternative readers. The decision had to be made now. "It will also be a signal for a successful restart," says Seehars.

At the company meeting, "a tense atmosphere" prevailed at first, says a participant. But Mosch had "found the right words at the right time." Despite the desire for a personal reorientation, the Assembly has repeatedly stressed that "do not forget Rupert Stadler as a human being". Stadler did a lot for the company and got a fair deal. Current pre-trial detention is not perceived as such by many employees

. The acting President of the Council, Bram Schot, would have received many applause for his words. "It was a very open and friendly appearance," reports a staff member. At the meeting, he said that he could not do anything about the current situation, but he wanted the employees "do not look at what could happen in 15 years, but what they can do immediately to sell cars, "he says. an Audian. An official statement of company management did not exist at the company meeting of yesterday.

The development at Audi is of course also closely monitored by the surrounding companies. "Many depend on Audi," says an insider who primarily hopes that Audi will master the diesel problem. "After two years, we can expect to find alternatives."


Not even a day late, the company committee is giving public notice to its CEO, Rupert Stadler. Of course, the presumption of innocence is still valid for the manager in custody – but neither inside nor outside, a subsequent membership in Stadler would have been negotiable. In this regard, the announcement of the staff meeting without alternative, we want to signal the departure in the future. That this will be enough to restore confidence in the Group, will show. Because there are, as already several times reported, several problems for which the Group has not found a solution. At least, there were now some bonuses for the workers: the financial compensation for the stranded diapers and the respect of the job guarantee. This and the seemingly sympathetic appearance of interim chef Bram Schot probably took some pressure off the boiler. Thorsten Stark

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