Insufficient sleep dehydrates our body and disrupts the hormonal balance


Those who sleep too little promote dehydration

According to many studies, many adults sleep only six hours a night. This is too little. The recommended sleep time for adults should be between seven and eight hours a day. An American research team has now discovered another good reason to follow these sleep guidelines. Apparently, sleep deprivation affects hormones and promotes faster dehydration.

Researchers at Penn State University in Pennsylvania have discovered in a recent study that lack of sleep has detrimental effects on our hormones that regulate the body's water balance. This is badociated with an increased likelihood of dehydration. The results of the study were recently published in the journal "Sleep".

Who sleeps too little, in which too few hormones are released, which regulate the balance of water in the body. It threatens dehydration. (Image: Sven Vietense /

Slept poorly? So you should drink more water

If you do not feel well after a short night, it may be the effect of dehydration. The researchers suggest that people who have slept too little should drink more water after a night of lack of sleep to combat the symptoms of dehydration. "As early as six hours of sleep a night, your fluid balance can be influenced," warns the study director, Asher Rosinger.

Sleep and body water balance are related

The Penn State research team examined the moisture balance of volunteers in terms of sleep duration. The team found that participants who slept only six hours had a much higher concentration of urine. In addition, the short sleep group was up to 59% more likely to be inadequately hydrated than adults who slept regularly for eight hours.

How does lack of sleep affect the water balance?

In subsequent research, the researchers discovered that a particular hormone called vasopressin was responsible for this effect. This hormone regulates the body's water balance. Although it is released day and night, but as scientists show, the distribution process is accelerated in the last cycles of sleep. "So, if you wake up earlier, you may run out of the window where more hormones are released, disrupting the body's hydration," Rosinger said in a press release about the results. of the study.

How to recognize dehydration

According to the researchers, dehydration can affect many systems and functions of the body. This could be reflected in perception, mood, and physical and mental performance. If such a condition persists longer, more serious health consequences such as urinary tract infections and kidney stones are at risk.

Other effects of lack of sleep

But sleep is not only important for water balance. During sleep, the brain detoxifies and sleep disturbances reduce the process, as during sleep, the interstitial spaces of cerebral cells filled with cerebral water expand. These extensions look like a highway, where metabolic waste is transported from the brain twice as fast. This could also explain why healthy sleep is considered a protective function against dementia.

However, too much sleep can be detrimental

Too much and too little sleep harms our health. Another study showed that people who regularly sleep ten hours or more are at increased risk of developing a metabolic syndrome. It is a dangerous combination of obesity (especially accumulation of abdominal fat), high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood fat levels. (Vb)

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