Intermezzo Animal: Tomcat hangs in a TV interview with a historian



  If the owner does not have the time, Tomcat Lisio simply resumes his own caresses. (Image in conservat.)

If the master does not have the time, the cat Lisio simply resumes his caress. (Archive image) (Photo: alliance photo / Julian Strate)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Lisio seems to be anything but shy: in front of the camera, the cat jumps on the shoulder of his master while that the latter is on the political interview gives. But the Polish historian only keeps going and becomes an internet service.

The fact that the television interviews are not always going as planned proves the legendary BBC interview with Robert Kelly, whose children stormed the play. They completely stole the show from the North Korean expert. A failed video, but extremely charming, now delivers the Dutch news show "Nieuwsuur".

In fact, journalist Rudy Bouma wanted to talk to Polish historian Jerzy Targalski about the controversial Holocuast law. But as the interview begins, Targalski's tomcat, Lisio, asks his dudes – he jumps his master on the back of his hand.

The professor is not discouraged and continues to talk about secret services. Keeping his face out of his face while Lisio affectionately licks his master's ear.

For Targalski, the behavior of his cat does not seem new, because he later explains: "He climbs on my shoulders five times a day, it's his kind of saying 'hello'. or "I like you …"

In the finished post, the interview did not end, but Bouma posted the animal scene on Twitter. There, the video quickly became viral. Meanwhile, more than 1.72 million people saw the interview. But maybe more because of the cat than because of the political statement.


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