Interview: Labor Minister Heil Criticizes Increasing Deportations of Integrated Refugees – Politics – Current Politics News



"Boredom for all the companies that hire and invest": Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) criticizes the ULC course on refugee policy.

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Bernhard Junginger

Mr. Heil, you have just introduced your pension plan. What is the core of your plans?

Hubertus Heil: The fact is that we guarantee the pension level at 48%. Citizens must feel that they can rely on the state pension. At the same time, we need to maintain stable contributions, and they should not exceed 20% at least until 2025. That's the one-stop shop, and we'll include it in the formula of ############################################################################ 39, pension adjustment. For disability pensioners, that is, people who simply can no longer work for health reasons, benefits are improved. The periods of childrearing are more widely recognized by the mother's pension, which benefits women who received and raised children before 1992. And we want to relieve low-income earners, because far from home. an income of 850 euros, social security is fully insured. We will increase this limit to 1300 euros, so that people deduct more money in the bag. My proposals are intended to renew a fundamental promise of the welfare state that you have a decent retirement after a busy life.

With the double-stop system, pension income may not be enough in a few years. What's going on then? Is there an even deeper hold in the control pot? Or do people have to work more than 67?

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Hi: After 2025, baby boomers will retire from working life. In order to maintain the pension level in the years to come, it is important to have as many people as possible at work with good wages. The measures that are also needed to ensure the stability of the pension system beyond 2025 are being developed by the Pension Commission that I have created. Personally, I do not believe that there will be a general increase in the legal age of retirement.

Almost half of pensioners receive less than 800 €. What does this mean for the future of the old age benefit?

Hi: This shows that the performance improvements I am aiming for are necessary. This is precisely why we guarantee the level of pension. However, a closer look reveals that the poverty of the elderly is fortunately not a mbad phenomenon, because many of them have not only their own legal pension, but also the income of their partners and the Access to the property. However, we have problems in the area of ​​single women or people who have worked a lot, but who have invested little in the pension plan because of low wages. For those, we will introduce a basic pension in a second pension plan, which is above the basic security level. And we must also involve the self-employed in the old-age insurance system. The best protection against poverty for the elderly remains a living wage and that is what I am aiming for as Minister of Labor.

How much does it cost to release low-wage workers from social security contributions? How should this be funded?

Hi: According to our calculations, this represents 200 million euros a year

Are pension increases for low wages not at the expense of young people?

Hi: We are talking about people who are working now, retired people of the future. And we need a reasonable and sustainable production contract. Young people and the elderly can not be played against each other.

Employees are upset by the double deduction of health insurance and long-term care. When does politics change that?

Hi: I hope: soon. This is the responsibility of my colleague Jens Spahn at the Ministry of Health. I consider this step essential, because I note that the double contribution prevents the generalization of occupational pensions. We should at least reduce this effect.

Pensions are based on work, but the world of work is changing rapidly. What developments do you expect?

Hi: At the present time, we have a great situation because of the economic situation. In many places, there is practically full employment and we have the second lowest unemployment rate in the European Union. However, we have solidified long-term unemployment. Now we have to help people with special support. Basically, change can not be stopped – and we do not want it at all. We want to offer opportunities and protection in change. Automation and digitization cover all areas, whether it is industrial production or the service sector. Germany will not miss work. But in the future, it will often be other work requiring different qualifications and new activities. We will provide financial support to small and medium-sized companies investing in training. It's money well invested that makes people fit for digitization and the world of work tomorrow

What concrete risks do you see from digitization?

Hi: First, I see the opportunities: through digitization It will be possible to better adapt work to life. But we must ensure that some companies do not confuse scanning with exploitation. This occurs when delivery service platforms prevent their bike couriers from setting up business committees. My biggest goal is to ensure that this change in the workforce is united with unions and employers. What worries me the most is that collective bargaining has decreased significantly. Most workers' rights do not appear in the law, but in the collective agreement.

There is currently a shortage of skilled workers in many areas, such as nursing. How can we fix it?

Hi: Here too, it is about making the working conditions in the industry more attractive. The lack of nurses also has to do with the fact that only 20 percent of employees are employed by a collective agreement. And the working conditions in the care must be much better. That is why, along with my colleagues, Family Minister Franziska Giffey and Health Minister Jens Spahn, I launched the Concerted Action for Nursing, which aims to change these things. quickly. In order to master the shortage of geriatric care staff, we will also need skilled immigrants. Many are already coming from the countries of the European Union, but that will not be enough. We will also have to look around us outside the EU.

To this end, the federal government provides for a specialized immigration law. What does it look like?

Hi: It is clear that this type of immigration must be adapted to the needs of the German labor market. Immigration to social systems may not exist. We must prevent native and immigrant workers from being played against each other.

Relatively few refugees who arrived in Germany in recent years have found work again. What's wrong?

Hi: The integration of refugees is not done overnight, if only for the pleasure of the language. After all, 220,000 refugees have now found work requiring social insurance, but the numbers are of course still too low. The integration is not a sprint, but a long distance race. It would be very useful if the residency status of refugees could be clarified more quickly and more surely. We also need better language support related to employment, easier recognition of professional qualifications and a greater education and training effort.

Many businesses complain that it is becoming more and more uncertain to train refugees. It is often said that refugees with good prospects for integration are expelled. Do you also see this problem?

Hi: In fact, sometimes I feel that bad people have to leave Germany. In the last grand coalition, the SPD ensured that young refugee schoolchildren could finish them and then have the chance to stay in Germany for two years; This is the rule of three plus two. It's a good thing, it's only treated differently in the federal states. The Free State of Bavaria led by the CSU is particularly bad. It is a nuisance for all companies that engage and invest. It must change.

Does the impression that integration is no longer an important topic for the federal government is misleading?

Salvation: Yes, she's cheating. Integration remains an important topic for the federal government and the society as a whole. But I must admit that weird theaters, other issues in public perception, have come to the fore because of the tremendous stupidity that the UHC has had in recent weeks.

You mean the conflict of asylum in the government. Has it harmed the integration of refugees?

Hi: Yes, definitely. CSU has suffered much more from behaviors such as those experienced by Donald Trump, namely the reputation of the federal government and of democratic politics as a whole. It is not appropriate to use ultimatums to pressure the Federal Chancellor. Citizens do not appreciate when elected representatives confuse and inflate individual problems without solving them. People want to trust the state – and that's their right. I hope the CSU is now back to work. We must solve problems concretely, also in immigration, without fear and without dreaming.

Also his party, the SPD, is in the depression investigation …

Hi: There she will discover him again, when she finally regains another body language. Of course, there are many grievances in society that will fight against this. But there is no reason for persistent pessimism. On the contrary: our country has all the prerequisites for solving existing problems. And this requires a strong social democracy. We are the force that combines economic success with social justice.

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