Iran agreement: Ayatollah Khamenei rejects negotiations with Trump


Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, has ruled out demands in his own country for negotiations with the United States. "It would be a huge mistake to believe that we could solve the problem through negotiations with the United States," Chamenei said. Americans could not and should not trust. The US release of the 2015 Vienna Convention on Atomic Energy shows that even his signature is worthless.

US President Donald Trump criticized the agreement with Iran as one of the worst agreements and denounced his country's participation. New punitive measures take effect against Iran. Iran has sued the United States at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

The other signatory states, including Germany, want to stick to the agreements. They provide for a restriction of the Iranian nuclear program. Trump criticized the limited scope limitation and does not cover the missile program.

Ruhani threatens to block oil exports to the region

Ayatollah Khamenei, who according to the Constitution has the last word on all strategic issues. President Hbadan Ruhani during his visit earlier this month to Switzerland and Austria.

If Iran could not export oil because of US sanctions, Ruhani said, other countries in the region would not be able to do it either. This has been interpreted in Tehran as meaning that Iran would close the Strait of Ormuz in the Persian Gulf, thus blocking all oil exports to the region.

However, contact with the EU is expected to continue, according to Chamenei. But Iran should not rely solely on the EU to tackle the problems of recent US sanctions. The country should take matters into its own hands and, therefore, its solutions, Chamenei said at a meeting with diplomats from the State Department.

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