Is it worth it to start now? On Facebook, more doubts arise


After the presentation of quarterly figures, Facebook's share dropped dramatically. Many of the group's top executives have already sold shares. Very good, says the Stock Market Authority.

End of trading on Thursday, shares of Facebook Facebook   Facebook Inc. "title =" Facebook Inc. share "/> </span> were down 19% to 176, 3 US $ (150.7 Euro) The market value of the social network has plummeted in a day to about 100 billion – pre-mortal at the very top of 151 billion – of which is probably the largest At the same time, the badets of CEO Mark Zuckerberg fell by nearly $ 16 billion </p>
<h3>  Facebook managers have detached shares </h3>
<p>  Interestingly, the main company executives are on the total in the second quarter 13.6 million shares Facebook have separated – three times more than in the last quarter of 2017. Also in the first quarter of 2018, the number 8.3 million shares was well below this value, compared with CNBC Quoting Anal Numbers Insider Score </p>
<p>  Although stock sales have taken place in the context of recent scandals, they are, according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, considered to be in compliance with the rules. . As it says further, Facebook CEO Zuckerberg in the second quarter of 13 million papers broke apart – 240,000 of them alone on Wednesday and 534,000 shares the day before the announcement of quarterly figures. </p>
<p>  So, the price drop for Facebook's boss was not as difficult as expected. However, Zuckerberg announced in September 2017 to the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States to separate within 18 months shares worth $ 6 billion US. The profits from the sale are to be paid to the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation </p>
<h3>  Scandal around Cambridge Analytica </h3>
<p>  Facebook had presented the second quarter balance sheet on Wednesday – sales, profits and the increase in the number of sales. users were below expectations – but only minimal. Although sales climbed 42 percent to $ 13.2 billion. However, industry experts were expecting $ 13.4 billion. In terms of user growth, Facebook also did not meet its high expectations. </p>
<p>  The number of users rose to 2.23 billion, experts interviewed by Reuters expected 2.25 billion. The number of daily and monthly users has declined significantly, especially in Europe following the scandal badociated with the Cambridge Analytica data badysis company. Investors look at value eagerly as reach is critical for Facebook's advertising activities </p>
<p>  Facebook has been experiencing the worst financial crisis in its history for months due to the data scandal, which also implements new privacy rules . Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg said on Wednesday that the company was investing "both in safety as it begins to affect our profitability."  </p>
<h3>  Facebook crash – an overreaction? </h3>
<p>  With the fall of the stock market, Facebook can now call itself another superlative: the biggest collapse of stock market history in the US. The stock has fallen back to the level of early May. However, if we consider the price trend since the launch of the stock market in May 2012, the collapse looks more like a slippage. </p>
<p>  Since September 17,55, the value of stock certificates has been multiplied by ten in five years. The social media giant hit a record high of 218.62 US dollars, but because of disappointing numbers, rank-ranked badysts have lowered their price targets and even degraded newspapers. , An overreaction, you might ask. No, says Heather Bellini of the US investment bank Goldman Sachs, Facebook has missed for the first time since the IPO forecast earnings. The advertising industry is far from meeting expectations </p>
<p>  The weaker growth forecast of the online network has caused considerable uncertainty about the future development of the social network, according to badyst Lloyd Walmsley of Deutsche Bank. As a result, papers could stagnate in the near future on their now reduced level. It means: no profits. </p>
<p>  But there are also more optimistic evaluations. The company is investing in the future to promote the new Stories feature for creating collections of images and videos, said Brian Nowak of the US investment bank Morgan Stanley. Now, it is important to convert that into money, adds Christian Koch of DZ Bank. </p>
<p>  Too few innovations that consume too much money. A saturated market in which young Internet users are turning more and more to new social media applications. Facebook faces many challenges and the future looks uncertain for many investors. Some may well have the time to pay. </p>
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