Islamists force appeal against Asia Bibi | TIME ONLINE


Three days after the acquittal of Christin Asia Bibi, blasphemous in Pakistan
Islamists put an end to their national manifestations. The radical Islamic group
Tehrik-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP) had
Friday night with the government reached a similar agreement, said spokesman for TLP Pir Zubair Kasuri. As a result,
The government appealed the Supreme Court's decision
Bibis acquittal court does not argue. In addition, would
Measures taken to "prevent Bibi from leaving the country".

were the street protests Wednesday after the blasphemy
convicted Christin after eight years on the death row of
The Supreme Court of Islamabad has been acquitted. Today
Bibi, 51, was accused of having an argument with
Muslim women in their village accuse the Prophet Muhammad
to have expressed. The five-fold mother was arrested in 2009 and im
A year later, after a controversial blasphemy law in the country with a majority
Muslim country was sentenced to death. After the cancellation of
At the time of the death sentence, the TLP ordered the dismissal of the judge and a
Execution of Bibi requested.

At the current location
There was no official information from Asia Bibi. According to the Pakistani media, she has already left the country.

Saiful Malook, Bibi's lawyer, left Pakistan
according to a report from the Express Tribune Saturday morning, since it was around
fear his life. "The safety of my family is also important
threatened, "said Malook, but he would return to Bibi
Defend the court if the army gives him security.

Human rights activists have criticized the agreement reached between the government and Islamists as a declaration of bankruptcy of the law. "The agreement is Pakistan
A legal system to the detriment of the Islamist crowd, "he said
Court has spoken well, the government should not allow that
Islamists have rejected jurisprudence, said the director of
Society for Threatened Peoples, Ulrich Delius, Saturday at

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