Israel: after the death of a soldier from massive air attacks in Gaza


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  Gaza riots   Gaza riots

Palestinian protesters involved in conflicts with Israeli soldiers on the border with Israel. Photo: Wissam Nbadar

Israel and Hamas are on the brink of a new war: after deadly fire on a soldier on the Gaza border, the Israeli air force bombards targets throughout the Gaza Strip.

G aza / Tel Aviv (dpa) – The Israeli-Palestinian conflict between Hamas and Hamas has worsened dangerously.

The Israeli army bombed planes Friday after deadly blasts of Palestinian militants on the border of a combat soldier. and tanks of many targets in the Gaza Strip. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, at least four Palestinians have been killed in the southern part of the coastal strip.

According to the military wing of Hamas, three of those killed were members of the organization. Residents reported several serious explosions in Gaza City. The Israeli air force attacked Hamas military posts there.

The Israeli army confirmed "a large-scale attack by Israeli fighters against Hamas military targets throughout the Gaza Strip." The Israeli army said Friday night that 15 military targets had been hit at the headquarters of a Hamas battalion in Saitun, in the northern Gaza Strip.

Nickolaj Mladenov, United Nations envoy to the Middle East writes in a dramatic Twitter call: "Everyone in Gaza must withdraw from the abyss.Not next week.Not tomorrow." Those who "want to provoke Palestinians and Israelis to lead another war must not succeed, "writes Mladenov.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with military leaders during an emergency meeting Friday night in Tel Aviv, the additional procedure Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said earlier that Hamas was forcing Israel to conduct a "mbadive and painful military offensive."

In the summer of 2014, Israel and Hamas clashed for 50 days, 2250 Palestinians were killed or later died of their wounds, and 74 were killed on the Israeli side.

According to media reports, militant Palestinians have no New fired several rockets and mortar shells in Israeli territory on Friday. The inhabitants of the Gaza Strip were called to be nearby shelters

Friday's protests continued along the Gaza border. According to eyewitnesses, the Palestinians burned tires, attempted to damage the border fence with Israel and sent fire-dragons and balloons into Israeli territory. According to paramedics, several Palestinians were wounded by Israeli gunfire

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, 147 Palestinians have been killed and thousands have been injured since the end of March.

Palestinians call for an end More than a decade ago, the blockade of Gaza and a right of return to Israeli territory were imposed. They refer to the flight and the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of people as part of the Israeli state in 1948.

A spokesman for the Israeli army on Friday threatened the Hamas leader in Gaza via Twitter. The head of military communications, Avichai Adrai, speaking in Arabic, published Friday an article presenting the image of Jihia al-Sinwar. "Where am I, what is waiting for me?", He said.Al-Sinwar had caused trouble to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip by "stupid measures", holding him to "It is important to remember that no one in terrorism enjoys immunity." Israel has deliberately killed several prominent members of Hamas in the past.

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