Italy is farther away



Italy moves away

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Closed Ports for the EU Maritime Mission

Italy intends to refuse reception to migrants rescued by ships of the naval mission "Sophia" (EUNAVFOR MED) on the Mediterranean. Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi told Federica Mogherini, head of EU foreign policy, three days ago, according to WELT, referring to a letter that she received this week. Due to the urgency of the matter, the ambbadadors of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) have already discussed Wednesday alternative solutions to the distribution of rescued migrants. A consensus was not found. The deliberations are expected to continue this Friday.

"We request an immediate revision of the operational plan (the naval mission" Sophia ") for the landing rules in order to bring them into line with the principle of an equitable distribution of tasks, as enshrined in Article 80 of the EU Treaty ", says the Italian Government's letter. Foreign Minister Moavero Milanesi adds: "Under the current circumstances, Italy is no longer able to approve and execute a EUNAVFOR MED operational plan based on the defunct "Triton" mission of Frontex As part of this mission (Triton), all the rescued migrants were brought exclusively to Italian ports – without being shared subsequently between the Member States. EU, which also involves Germany, was launched in June 2015. The current term runs until December 31 of this year.

Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, had spoken Thursday about the current state of affairs. A crisis cell from the EU to distribute rescued rescued refugees.As Italy recently distributed 450 migrants rescued directly to several EU partners, must be the practice, said Conte on newspaper "Il Fatto Quotidiano." He also wrote in a letter to the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and President of the Council Donald Tusk

According to Contes, such a cabinet or committee could be controlled by the European Commission, which would mediate between governments. In addition, the unit would help identify a port where migrants could land and countries ready to receive survivors.

A spokesman for the European Commission said Thursday in Brussels that the letter had been received. Basically, she could say "we share the sense of urgency on the part of Italy."

The Rome government had made the support of EU states a condition for having two ships with rescued migrants. Between Saturday and Monday, Conte had persuaded France, Malta, Germany, Spain and Portugal long negotiations to accept some people.

The UN refugee agency hailed this "positive example" of cooperation on Thursday. However, long-term solutions are needed, not those that are found ship by ship, according to one communication.

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