Jamal Khashoggi: Saudi Arabia Confirms Killing at Istanbul Consulate


Saudi Arabia has confirmed the death of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Khashoggi and several people from the Istanbul consulate have resulted in a deadly conflict, reported the Saudi press agency Spa. There were already 18 people arrested, it was said.

In addition, a royal decree was quoted, according to which the vice-president of the secret services, Ahmad al-Assiri, was dismissed. Saud al-Kahtani, the king's high councilor, was also released.

A few hours earlier, US President Donald Trump had announced new findings in the Khashoggi case in the coming days. "We'll know a lot in the next two or three days," he said at a concert in Scottsdale, Arizona. Sanctions against Saudi Arabia have not been ruled out by the president. When asked, he said, "Could be, could be."

Khashoggi wanted to retrieve papers from the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2 and has since disappeared. According to media reports, the Turkish authorities had previously badumed that he had been killed by a special team consisting of 15 members from Saudi Arabia.

Friday, the Turkish prosecutor had summoned employees of the consulate of Saudi Arabia. The official Anadolu news agency reported that there were 15 Turks, including a driver, an accountant and a technician from the consulate.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Riyadh and Ankara this week to inquire about the state of progress of the investigation.

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