Jens Büchner († 49): The girlfriend Peggy gives a preview of the funeral: "Danni and the family made balloons to ride to his favorite song"


In 2014, Peggy Jerofke and Steff Jerkel attack emigrants Jens Büchner († 49) under the arms. It is broken at that time, not work, but great visions. Jens wants to enter the Majorcan food scene. Peggy and Steff offer Büchner an excellent opportunity: to manage the bar as general manager. After only a few weeks, Jens announces with his friends to devote himself to his true pbadion: to entertain. In the video above, you can see the latest appearance of Jens. When he played on stage, he was already sick.

In a special "special" show in honor of the famous "Goodbye Deutschland" emissary, Peggy and Steff remember their words full of love to Büchner and remember memories of many unforgettable moments.

Friends accompanied her way – until the end. On November 23, family and friends said goodbye to Jens Büchner at a funeral. If he left VOX at all times of his life, whether it was any joy or sorrow, the public was not allowed to come here.

In the following video, her daughter said goodbye: "I will always love you, dad"

His daughter said goodbye:


©; ddp / INTERTOPICS / Detlev Helmerich;

The widow Daniela greeted her deceased husband by organizing the memorial service as he had wished. No one should wear black clothes that day. This should be celebrated.

"You were in your arms"

At the Buchner's house, in the nearest circle, Jens received the last escort. Despite the festive atmosphere that Jens had wanted for his very last night, the evening was very moving. In exclusivity for, Peggy gave a preview of the farewell: "Jens' funeral was very moving and when Danny and his family raised the balloons of his favorite song, they cried a lot and kissed each other. Later, in Jens' mind, they celebrated whiskey-cola and many told each other stories they had with Jens, and laughed too. "

A farewell to an extraordinary person who honored him in all its facets.

"For a week, my world is always": In the following video, you can see how his daughter Jenny is trying to figure out the loss.

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