Jens Büchner: Daniela Büchner says what Jens would think now – Panorama



Jens Büchner: Daniela Büchner in the first post after his death – this would make Jens think about reactions to his death

Goodbye, Jens Buchner! Farewell to the cult emigrant! († 49)

Jens Buchner died Saturday night.

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Majorca. The death of Jens Buchner has touched a lot of people in Germany. The popular emigrant from Majorca succumbed to lung cancer in mid-November. The death of Jens Buchner also shocked because the 49-year-old had kept his public illness secret.

Daniela Büchner now comments on the reactions to her husband's death for the first time in a post on Instagram: "I do not have the right words to thank you, I am overwhelmed by the sympathy they showed us at last 10 days. "

Jens Büchner would appreciate the reactions

Daniel Büchner thinks Jens Büchner would certainly appreciate that: "Jens would rub his eyes, marveling, and ask," Do they really want to tell me? "

She now wants to start slowly with the treatment of death: "We are now starting with the funeral of a new chapter, we are trying to rest, to deal with what has happened and to find enough force for a new beginning. "She will respond later:" We are not out of the world. "

A great sadness for Jens Büchner

Mourning after the death of Jens Buchner († 49) with the fans and its immediate environment is huge. The emigrated cult of the Vox series "Goodbye Germany" had lost the fight against lung cancer on November 17th.

Family and friends said goodbye to their Malle-Jens weekend at a strident party.

+++ Jens Büchner: His wife Daniela wants to fulfill his last wish – and collapse +++

Jens Büchner († 49) with dramatic entry

Because his lovers know how Jens Buchner had presented his funeral service. "Well, just like his life was … Turbulent, strong and exciting (…) He would not have wished a funeral in the sense that we are sitting and screaming in black," revealed his wife, Daniela. Buchner in the interview of RTL.

While the message is over BuchnerDeath met many fans quite unexpectedly, his friends were obviously in the picture for a while about Malle-Jens's gravity.


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BuchnerHer best friend, Julia, recently revealed the dramatic words Malle-Jens sent her a week before her death: "He said that when he goes to the hospital, he will not come back. said: I have cancer, I'm going to die, "recalls Julia in" Prominent "on Vox.

+++ Death of Jens Büchner († 49): Ex-girlfriend Jenny is so toxic against Malle-Jens's wife, Daniela +++

Malle-Jens would be delighted

Jens Buchner should be right. The doctors at the hospital could do nothing for him. Daniela Buchner at a difficult time with the loss: "Our world is destroyed and remains motionless, not only my husband is dead, but also my best friend and soulmate," cries the widow.

Julia's words are particularly comforting: "If he knew everyone was talking about him, he would be delighted," admits the deceased's best friend. It remains to wish that Daniela Buchner it may soon be felt too.

C & # 39; Jens Buchner:

  • Born in 1969 in Zwenkau
  • Locksmith training
  • From 1987 to 1990 he worked for the security of the state of the GDR.
  • Later he worked in a gas station and catering
  • In the 2000s, he worked as an independent financial host
  • In 2010, he emigrated to Mallorca with his girlfriend Jennifer Matthias
  • After the separation, he worked from 2014 as party singer
  • 2017 participation in the RTL jungle camp
  • In 2015, he met Daniela Karrabas. In 2017, they married in Mallorca.
  • In November 2018, he succumbed to cancer in Mallorca.

Jens Buchner is accompanied since 2010 by the show "Goodbye Germany" from Vox. He emigrated with his girlfriend Jennifer Matthias Mallorca to open a clothing store. Despite the subsequent engagement, the relationship between Jens and Jennifer did not last.

+++ The legacy of Jens Büchner: The woman Daniela and the kids are looking forward to coming on the tour +++

Jens Büchner is busy with Jobs

In the turbulent months that followed the breakup, Jens Büchner had to deal with new jobs – until he started his party singer career. In 2015, he met Daniela Karabas, with whom he married in 2017.

"I do not know what life gives me for an exam, and I also think that I will never be able to be happy again because I was happy with Jens and that it is no longer possible. will never be able to love someone like that or become happy, "said the 40-year-old widow at RTL.

Daniela Büchner: "My mother's heart is bleeding"

The twins Jenna and Diego must now grow up without a father: "My mother's heart bleeds when I see the suffering of their children. It's really a shame. It was bad then and it is bad nowadays. And the big kids really enjoyed these three and a half years with Jens. Even though there were difficulties. But they saw him as a father figure ".

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