JHV: FC Bayern stops live broadcast tomorrow when supporters speak – Annual General Meeting


At the annual general meeting, FC Bayern München stops broadcasting fans' comments live. That's the reason. All information on the JHV 2018.

JHV 2018: When and where is the FC Bayern München annual general meeting?

The annual general meeting of FC Bayern Munich will take place on Friday, November 30, 2018 at 7 pm in the Audi Dome. Admission to the Audi Dome is from 16:00. After 19:00, no one enters.

Annual General Meeting: Who is eligible to participate in FC Bayern Munich's JHV 2018?

Exclusively members of FC Bayern! One only comes upon presentation of the membership card as well as the identity card in the Audi Dome. Important: Not all new members are allowed to participate. FC Bayern writes on its website: "According to the statutes, §8, only members having access to the annual general meeting belonging to the badociation for at least one year or who have been members since 01.01.2018 and have reached the age 18 years old. "

If all members want to attend the JHV in the Audi dome, things get complicated. The club had 290,000 members last season. The Audi Dome has a maximum of 7,200 seats.

In fact, it has happened that more members wish to attend the Annual General Meeting than the Audi Dome could. In 2016, there was chaos in front of the room. Hundreds of members were engaged in vain. The crowd was particularly large at that time because Uli Hoeness after his prison term again as the election chairman. That's what it was like at the time:

Will FC Bayern Munich's Annual General Meeting be broadcast live and on television?

Yes, but only in part – and only in the FC Bayern stream!

A live broadcast on known television channels is not provided, but as usual, the club even transmits the JHV 2018 live and in its entirety from approximately 7 pm in the live stream from the (actually) pay channel FC Bayern TV. The transfer is however free and without registration to see. Here you will find more information about the live stream of the Annual General Meeting, the tz.de * put together.

Interesting: The live transmission ends according to the schedule of the program already at 22:00. Then come the repetition of the program "The week of Bavaria". Experience has shown, however, that the annual general meeting lasts well over three hours. According to the official Twitter account of FC Bayern, last year at 22:45 the time was up.

At the end of the JHV, the speeches are actually scheduled (under item 8 of the agenda "Miscellaneous"). Twelve statements were made at JHV 2017. Critical voices could now remain intact: does he fear the club in fan protests? Does the transmission end so early, so that there are no video images of possible emotional verbal messages? The reason is much simpler. "The livestream ends on every channel, like every year, immediately after the official part and before the speeches, because we do not have the personal rights of the members in the wording," Bayern said. the demand of our online editorial.

Thanks to a video, there is still an angry speech by Uli Hoeness at JHV 2007 in memory. At that time, a fan complained of bad mood at the Allianz Arena. The manager of the time then exploded and launched his legendary speech. We remember: "Your bading mood? You are responsible and not us!"

If the 2018 JHV hangs again between supporters and bosses of Bayern, there will probably be no images in the live stream.

Of course, it can always happen that a video of the scenes ends on Youtube …

Annual General Meeting: Are you talking about coach Niko Kovac at JHV 2018?

This is to suppose! Perhaps the Bavarian bosses will strengthen his back after a 5-1 win over Benfica in Lisbon, true to the motto: "Niko Kovac is and will remain our coach!" Friday night, Hoeneß and Rummenigge can still say a lot, the next Bundesliga The match at Werder Bremen is only Saturday. After the game, the coaching issue could again be a hot topic.

One or more members can also send a message on the subject of Niko Kovac and on the current sports situation of the badociation. Members wishing to speak should sign up before speaking. The speeches are at the end of the agenda.

JHV 2018: Is there a fan protest about Paul Breitner?

Good possible! In the forum Transfermarkt.de, fans are already discussing a possible event. A fan asks: "Obvious posters would be appropriate, which would produce a great media effect … Solidarity with Paul Breitner, who only tells the truth …" And another writes: "Calls from & # 39; # 39; Paule Breitner & # 39; would be nice. "

Another fan calls: "Make panels / boards, etc … Boo Hoeness!" Report later. "Another recommends:" Just bring eggs with you, that will make a lot of noise. "The latter would be fine no longer a peaceful demonstration or an irreproachable action.

FC Bayern fans, the Breitner plot under the fingernails, were clear on Wednesday in the Champions League match against Benfica Lisbon: in the final stages, the fans known in the southern curve will represent Breitner and voted to clearly hear the chorus "Paul Breitner" on.

That's what counts: Bayern's legend, Paul Breitner, is no longer allowed to make the guest of honor at the Allianz Arena on the instructions of President Uli Hoeneß . Breitner had already publicly expressed its misunderstanding of the media at the CBF leaders' press conference five weeks ago. The 67-year-old commented on this pictureThe newspaper said: "There was a call from Mr. Dreesen." Uli Hoeneß told me not to let me look into the guest of honor in the foreseeable future. said: I'm waiting for it anyway, and I do not want to see either one for the moment anyway. "

Paul Breitner added: "I then decided to hand over my two honor cards, which I have as Honorary Captain for life, to Mr. Dreesen. impression that I want free tickets. "

It will be interesting to see if the Bavarian bosses will talk about Paul Breitner at the annual general meeting. Fans can refer to the subject in the speakers at the end of the JHV. In this case, Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge will have to comment on Paul Breitner's banishment from the guest of honor.

Oli Pocher mocks after banishing Breitner against Uli Hoeneß

JHV 2018: CEO Rummenigge says about the Annual General Meeting

Already in the run-up to JHV 2018, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, CEO, recalls the successes of the last six years and reminds Bayern's home page: "We should not make the mistake now because we are not in the table where we currently love ourselves "" Expecting it at the sports situation with fan reviews at the annual general meeting? Rummenigge, however, also means with regard to regards the event: "I think it will be a quiet evening."

JHV 2018: Will Oliver Kahn be elected to head Bayern on Friday?

No! New elections are not scheduled for this year's Annual General Meeting. President Uli Hoeness still has the mandate of the members of FC Bayern for another year, until November 2019. The contract of the chairman of the board of directors, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, is valid until the end of the year. 31 December 2019. However, the discussions concerning a new contract for Rummenigge must be conducted quickly. An extension is considered a formality, it could be announced Friday at the Annual General Meeting. Elections for the extension of the Rummenigge contract are not necessary.

The name Oliver Kahn could definitely become a problem at the 2018 Annual General Meeting. It is quite possible that Hoeneß or Rummenigge will announce that it will play an important role in the future of Bayern. Like that Sport photo According to Bayern Bossen, it is expected that Kahn will play an important role in the club in the future. The Sports Journal writes: "The Supervisory Board, which met for the last time at the end of August, is also in. The committee will meet again before the AGM on Friday, November 30."

JHV 2018: Does the club present record numbers again at the Annual General Meeting?

Yes! However, these are known for a few days. As FC Bayern announced on November 21, the record business figure of the 2017/2018 fiscal year is again high. And not only at FC Bayern Munich AG, but also in the FCB Group, including all subsidiaries.

The consolidated business figure stands at 657.4 million euros. This represents a little less than 17 million euros more than in the previous fiscal year, where the amount was still 640.5 million euros. The net result remains Munich with 29.5 million euros and the third biggest profit in the history of the club

In the previous year, the Group had again celebrated the record profit of 39.2 million euros. FC Bayern Munich AG, the record champion company without the subsidiaries, achieved a total turnover of 624.3 million euros. Here the profit was 22 million euros.

Since the split of the licensed players division in the AG in 2002, FCB has increased its turnover by 355%, from 176 million euros to 624 million euros.

JHV 2018: Items on the agenda of the FC Bayern Munich annual general meeting

1. President's report

2. Minutes of the Vice-Presidents

3. Audit firm's report on the annual accounts

4. Discharge from the office

5. Election of the audit firm for the annual accounts

6. Confirmation of the appointment of two honorary board members

7. Report of the Board of Directors of FC Bayern München AG

8. Miscellaneous


* tz.de is part of the national digital publishing network Ippen

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