Joke on the ARD show on Brexit: You do not understand? A furious British newspaper of "Extra 3"


In Britain, Christian Ehring, presenter of ARD, is angry.

© Screen Capture ARD-Mediathek

In an article published on a British news site, the author complains of the moderator of the ARD, Christian Ehring. Apparently because he did not understand the joke …

London – In this country, the show Extra 3 is the best known. In the satirical show, moderator Christian Ehring and his guests broadcast everything and everyone every three weeks, with a more or less fine irony. He prefers politicians, whether they are native or from around the world. Many will be remembered as the Spring 2017 show, fueled by the Turkish dispute with their Erdogan song.

Now again a contribution to moods. And of course, just because the British, who are otherwise so blasphemous, did not understand the joke.

New hubbub for "Extra 3": Ehring mocks the consequences of Brexit

On the November 22 broadcast, Ehring took the British and Brexit in the usual way. "If England left without agreement, then you had to make your own deal with the world for each staple, and every afternoon we eat would need his own visa." James Bond could no longer track down thugs around the world it would be two hours of the film under pbadport control, "jokes the presenter. "Abstract and free after Gary Lineker: Brexit is a simple game: 65 million Britons pursue an absurd idea and always end up losing England."

The moderator also compared the Brexiteers to a teenager who boldly announces his departure from his parental home. "Then he realizes that he is no longer allowed to decide what is cooking and that he is no longer allowed to eat."

Brexit annoyance: British site is angry

On the website of the British tabloid Daily mail An article titled "The German TV host ridicules May's agreement" (the German TV presenter mocks the May deal) has been published. The article summarizes all the jokes, taken from the Extra 3 show aired on the Brexit.

But it's never mentioned that it's a satire show. In addition to Ehring's quotes, the author is serious about Brexit and defends Theresa May, who must negotiate hard and defend herself against foreign resistance. He writes: "The show of the first is making fun of Theresa May, who is facing a gigantic fight to get her agreement against the overwhelming opposition of all political parties adopted by the deputies"

The Stair Joke so: Although the British are known for their sense of humor, the author of the article does not seem to understand that Extra 3 is a satirical show. At Brexit, the island no longer seems to enjoy it even when it's fun.

Read also: The satire of the NDR could call Weidel "the Nazi slut"


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