Jungle Camp 2019: Which candidates are tortured in the jungle this time?


The uncertainties for new candidates in "I'm a star, get me out of here" go into the next round. After the rumors are noisy, Alf-voice Tommi Piper is running for the jungle camp in 2019, already speak of the next potential participants.

Jungle Camp Participant 2019: Is Günther Krause present?

Until now, no politician has moved to the RTLShow in the jungle – it could change now. According to the information in the newspaper "Bild", the former Minister Günther Krause (65 years old) signed a preliminary contract for the annual show "I'm a star – get me out of here!" sign. "There was a request from Jungle camps for me, but I do not feed, "said the former politician of the CDU.

Will former minister Günther Krause be a candidate for the jungle camp in 2019?

Will former minister Günther Krause be a candidate for the jungle camp in 2019?
Photo: photo alliance / Bernd Wüstneck / dpa central image / dpa

RTL wanted to participate on Monday on demand "without speculation about possible candidates," said a spokesman. Whether there was a request to Krause or even that a preliminary contract was signed, he also left on hold: "We do not comment on this". On the possible involvement of a politician in the show, which is expected to resume in January, said the spokesman: "We generally exclude any group of professionals."

Krause had signed in 1990 as chief negotiator of the GDR, the treaty of German-German unity. He was then under Helmut Kohl, Federal Minister of Special Tasks (1990-1991) and Trafficking (1991-1993). He resigned because he had unjustifiably collected the labor costs for his cleaning lady from the employment office. Later, he worked as an entrepreneur. Six years ago, the 65-year-old man had left an illegally inhabited house in the Mecklenburg Lake District shortly before his deportation.

Does the actress Doreen Dietel go to the jungle camp?

According to information from "Bild", Krause has yet to undergo a medical examination to travel to the Australian jungle in January. The newspaper telephoned actress Doreen Dietel (44), who was also cleared by the Playboy, another candidate from the jungle camp for the 13th season. The exact start date of the 13th season is not yet fixed. Jenny Frankhauser, half-sister to television star Daniela Katzenberger, won the 12th round earlier this year. On average, each live episode of the Australian jungle has attracted more than 5.5 million viewers.

Sandra Kiriasis will also participate in the 2019 Jungle Camp

Sandra Kiriasis will participate in the 2019 jungle camp, according to the "Bild". After Jens Büchner's widow, Daniela Büchner, canceled her participation in the 2019 jungle campthe Olympic champion will intervene. Sandra Kiriasis is the most successful bobsleigh rider in the world. She won the 2006 Olympic gold and the 2002 Olympic silver. In addition, Sandra Kiriasis won seven European titles and 45 World Cup victories.

In 2014, she ended her career and trained the Jamaican bobsleigh team last season. But just before the 2018 Olympic race, the Jamaican badociation fired them and kicked them out of the Olympic Village.

For Sybille Rauch, a dream comes true with participation in the 2019 jungle camp

The participation of Sybille Rauch, a former erotic actress, has already been speculatedIt is now clear, according to "Bild", that the 58-year-old will be present in the jungle camp in 2019. Admits is the blonde of the "ice on style" -Erotikfilmen of the 1980s. For Sybille Rauch, the participation at RTL's show meets a wish.

The playmate of the year 1979 was extremely touched: "I was on the floor, completely finished, I was living in social housing and I was feeding from a table to arm." I had broken teeth, a silicone pad burst in the chest. "I had suicidal thoughts," admits Sybille Rauch in front of "picture". A rich admirer pulled her out of the hole, Rauch said.

Jungle Camp Candidates 2019: Who is still here?

Synchronous spokesperson "Alf" Tommi Pieper will also participate in the 2019 jungle camp. Also Dominico De Cico, known from the RTL show "Bachelor in Paradise"Evelyn Burdecki, candidate" Bachelor "and Bastian Yotta ("Adam is looking for Eve") are traded as potential candidates.

model "GNTM" Gisele Oppermann and participant "DSDS" Emilia Mihailova could also participate in the 13th season of RTL broadcast. However, the resort is still covered in terms of candidates for the 2019 Jungle Camp.

Read also: Secret plans revealed! That changes in the 2019 jungle camp,

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