Justice: Bayer launches appeal against partial prohibitions on neonicotinoids


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  Bayer against partial prohibitions of neonicotinoids   Bayer against banned neonicotinoids

Bayer against banned neonicotinoids

Source: dpa / AFP / Archive

The court of the EU has banned insecticides May

G Two months after the confirmation of partial bans of neonicotinoids beekeeping allegedly harmful by the court of the European Union, the German chemical giant Bayer has announced an appeal against the verdict. The court's decision on insecticides "could have far-reaching consequences on legal certainty in the European Union (EU) granted drug approvals beyond the specific case," Bayer told Monheim Friday to justify [19659009]. some general interpretations of the phytosanitary law are examined, which Bayer considers has no legal basis. "

At the same time, the company claimed to accept the recent decision of EU member states to severely restrict the use of certain neonicotinoids in agriculture even though this procedure is" scientifically unfounded. "Therefore, Bayer removed the dossier on the active substance clothianidin as part of the ongoing readmission procedure.

In 2013, the European Commission banned the large-scale use of apicultural agents Clothianidin neonicotinoids, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid.On the other hand, Bayer and the Swiss manufacturer Syngenta complained of the cancellation of the bans.Syngenta also claimed damages of at least $ 367.9 million. Euros.

The EU court in Luxembourg dismissed the proceedings "in full" in mid-May.He also invoked the precautionary principle that protective measures could be taken "without having to wait until the presence and the gravity of these risks are fully established".

The Aurelia Foundation for the protection of bees is criticized Friday, the decision of Bayer to appeal. The group wanted to "remove the priority of protecting the environment from economic interests," said the foundation in Berlin.

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