Katarina Barley on the fight against terrorism: 7 EU countries want to cooperate more closely


Several European countries wish to exchange information on terrorist procedures even more closely in the future. "It is just important that member states know each other and have been condemned elsewhere," Justice Minister Katarina Barley said at the end of a meeting in Paris with her European counterparts in France. Spain, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

In the future, law enforcement authorities should cooperate even more intensively than previously through the European judicial authority Eurojust. Germany wants to convey more cases than before, Barley said. "Such a network only brings something, if really individual states report cases."

The seven EU states also want to cooperate on the cross-border protection of victims. "Unfortunately, other countries already have a lot of experience," Barley said. During the terrorist attack on the Christmas market of the Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, it was found that it was difficult to react appropriately to foreign victims. France has a pioneering role. A network must be established between the representatives of the victims.

In addition, hatred and propaganda in social networks should be fought more firmly. In Germany, Facebook, YouTube and other platforms are required to eliminate murders, slanders or prompts clearly targeted within 24 hours. "When it comes to protecting the Internet, the rest of us can count on us," said Barley.

According to the minister, the agreement between the seven countries aims to give an impetus to the whole of the European Union. It was good that countries as different as these could get along.

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